An overview of the cluster mempool proposal

Can you motivate this as a principled objection? Mempool quality increases, just not in the most optimal way possible. The alternative is to not improve the mempool at all?

Again, if our constraint is “we can only pick the optimal evictions”, sure this is intractable, but I am not convinced of that. For now I’d rather focus on the premise of the objection on the simple non-v3 case.

Also while we’re here, the other strategy previously discussed to allow cluster limits to be breached, temporarily and in some limited size/count way, linearize, then “prune” until you get back to cluster limits. Accept/reject said linearization based on normal diagram checks. I know you’ve already dismissed this, but good to have alternatives all in one place.

With other objections you’ve had aside, I think this strategy is more limited because you may not be able to practically make the sibling eviction candidates small.