Anonymous usage tokens from curve trees or autct

It should do significantly better with proper arithmetic. It’s a fraction of the size.

Just wanted to provide a literal number :slight_smile:

I haven’t looked. They haven’t been an issue and it isn’t a priority of mine.

Oh, no, 219 billion for the set size. The proof size is as expected.

Neither does Bulletproofs. The premise of Curve Trees is two proofs, one on each curve, each towering a child curve, as you’ve noted. Curve Trees with Spartan would require doing the Pedersen hash on the towering curve and lose a lot of the performance (though it’d still beat out Poseidon by a significant margin if I recall my estimates correctly). To be clear, secp256k1 towers secq256k1, secq256k1 towers secp256k1. They accordingly form a cycle, yet if secq256k1 didn’t tower secp256k1, secp256k1 would still tower secq256k1.

Correct re: leafs. Re: branches, see initialization generator commentary.