BIP324 Proxy: easy integration of v2 transport protocol for light clients (PoC)

Perfect, will keep a pulse on your src. My favorite Rust book is Effective Rust, and the tokio docs have good async TCP examples. On cryptography, the RustCrypto collection of crates contain unsafe code blocks and are not particularly auditable. I have been in touch with the rust-bitcoin maintainers, and they recommended the dependency reduction as a step towards being merged to their community, presumably so the crypto is concise and readable. I am also working on this project as part of a Chaincode program, and I think any additional “proof of work” I can put out will hopefully put my name out as a FOSS dev! If you would like to join forces, you can create a main in our src and implement the proxy logic there as well. I might also fork yours and see if I can build up a proxy with my crate. Cheers