BIP324 Proxy: easy integration of v2 transport protocol for light clients (PoC)

I briefly looked into it and it seems like all inbound LinkingLion connections set and inbound i2p and tor (presumably) Bitcoin Core connections set

Based on the “BIP324 proxy scenario” graphic and the slides you linked, I noticed that the proxy is only for outbound connections for now, correct? You mention “Investigate inbound connections support via reverse proxy” as TODO. I incorrectly assumed you’re implementing in and outbound. For outbound only, it should be fine.

However, only version 1 address serialization is possible in (inbound/outbound) version messages. BIP-155 address serialization of e.g. TorV3, I2P, CJDNS isn’t possible. These will always be (bitcoin/src/net_processing.cpp at e1ce5b8ae9124717c00dca71a5c5b43a7f5ad177 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub).