BIP352: PSBT support

I don’t think a silent payment signer cares if anyone else has used ACP. Rather, I think each silent payments aware signer needs to verify the proofs, generate the PSBT_OUT_SCRIPT for each silent payments output from the provided shares and check that it matches what the other signers have committed to. Consider the following scenarios for two silent payment aware signers, A and B:

  • NONE | ACP

    • A adds input, proof, share to the transaction and signs with NONE | ACP
    • B adds input, proof, share, generates the PSBT_OUT_SCRIPT and signs with ALL

    • Signers exchange shares and A generates the correct script from A and B shares, signs with SINGLE | ACP where SINGLE commits to the output of the generated script
    • B verifies the output is correct and signs with ALL
    • Alternatively, B determines A did not generate the correct script and refuses to sign
    • A signs with SINGLE | ACP where SINGLE commits to a non-silent payments output (e.g. a change output for A)
    • B adds their inputs, generates the scripts and signs with ALL
  • ALL | ACP

    • Signers exchange shares, A generates the scripts and signs with ALL | ACP
    • B verifies the generated scripts are correct and signs with ALL
    • Alternatively, B determines the generated scripts are not correct and refuses to sign

In all of these scenarios, B can determine whether or not A has committed to the correct output scripts and sign the transaction with ALL. Alternatively, B could add inputs to the transaction which burn the money, which means A is trusting B to finish the transaction honestly. Hence, I think it’s sufficient to say a silent payments signer must:

  1. Never use ACP without fully trusting the other signers
  2. Independently generate the PSBT_OUT_SCRIPT and verify the match what the other signers have committed to before signing

I don’t have a strong opinion here. If we have n inputs covered by the same proof, this would be n\cdot 36 + (33 + 64) bytes vs n\cdot (33 + 64) bytes. So better in some cases, worse in others?