Over the last 10k blocks (828299 to 838299), 9404 blocks have bip320 bits set (matching /[23]...[02468ace]00[04]/
while 597 blocks don’t (matching /2000000[04]/
), so at least ~94% of hashrate has adopted BIP320 (as compared to reserving all bits for signalling per BIP9). That percentage could be an underestimate if ASICs are grinding through the all-zeroes case as well.
The 4 at the end in both cases is to catch the ~216 blocks that are still signalling for taproot for whatever reason, which I think are all SBI Crypto.
Reproducer if anyone cares: $ for a in $(seq 828299 838299); do bitcoin-cli getblockheader $(bitcoin-cli getblockhash $a) | jq -j '.height, " ", .versionHex, "\n"'; done | sed 's/ 2000000[04]/ bip9/;s/ [23]...[02468ace]00[04]/ bip320/' | cut -d\ -f2 | sort | uniq -c