Great Consensus Cleanup Revival

Huh? If we fix the coinbase witness value to 00000000height, then you cannot start shoving further commitments in it? We could go ahead and make it a merkle tree of commitments where the left-most commitment is required to be 000000height, of course, but that isn’t what I saw proposed here.

Sure, I was referring specifically to the coinbase witness value, which AFAIU currently has no consensus rules (and is only 0s by default behavior of Bitcoin Core).

Indeed, any time you add a new commitment you’ll have to have new nodes give old nodes the contents of the commitments/merkle paths, but that isn’t a soft-fork-incompatible change, rather requires only a P2P extension.

Strongly agree. Also because I’d like to actually write software that is able to more easily look at block heights without looking at stupid scripts in my lifetime :slight_smile: