Libbitcoin for Core people

I’ll just add that Libbitcoin is doing a lot more useful work in this much shorter timeframe. We always index all transactions. Our Core benchmarks are with txindex disabled. We also always index all spenders - which input(s) spend a given output - which is a huge amount of information. All chain objects are stored relationally with full constant time bidirectional indexation.

We optionally can add the full Electrum style address index (e.g. ElectrumX) for an additional 30 minutes of sync time. It can take ElectrumX days to pull this same information out of a local Core node and index it in the same manner. Additionally the query response is orders of magnitude faster.

We’ve also noticed Core shutdown times of 10 minutes or more. BN shutdown time is generally less than a minute even after a full sync. We haven’t included that factor in our comparisons.

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