Mermaid diagram with miniscript for @t-bast’s proposed commitment transaction format for whatever it’s worth:
class FundingTx {
out: and(pk(A), pk(B))
class CommitmentTxB {
Anchor: true()
ABal: pk(A)
BBal: or(pk(ARevoke), and(pk(B), older(Delay)))
HTLCtoA: or(and(pk(A), pk(B)), and(pk(A), hash160(S)), pk(ARevoke))
HTLCtoB: or(and(pk(A), pk(B)), and(pk(A), after(timeout)), pk(ARevoke))
class HTLCClaimB {
HTLCtoA / HTLCtoB -- presigned by A with ACP|SINGLE
out: or(and(pk(B), older(Delay)), pk(ARevoke))
FundingTx --|> CommitmentTxB
CommitmentTxB --|> HTLCClaimB
If CommitmentTxB
is v3, then the fact that it has an ephemeral anchor output would mean that that output has to be spent concurrently for the tx to be relayed, so Bob might broadcast Tx1
just to get CommitmentTxB
funded, or might post Tx2
to also lock in some of the HTLCs that have either expired or that he knows the preimage for.
class TxB1 {
CommitmentTxB Anchor
change: pk(B)
class TxB2 {
CommitmentTxB Anchor
CommitmentTxB HTLCtoA
CommitmentTxB HTLCtoB
change: pk(B)
HTLCtoA.out: or(and(pk(B), older(delay)), pk(ARevoke))
HTLCtoB.out: or(and(pk(B), older(delay)), pk(ARevoke))
CommitmentTxB --|>TxB1
CommitmentTxB --|>TxB2
Alternatively, A might decide B’s txs don’t pay enough fees and decide to get things confirmed earlier, either by posting her own CommitmentTxA
(conflicting with CommitmentTxB
) in much the same way, or by creating her own spends of CommitmentTxB
(conflicting with TxB1
or TxB2
class TxA0 {
CommitmentTxB Anchor
CommitmentTxB ABal -- all signed with ARevoke
CommitmentTxB BBal
CommitmentTxB HTLCtoA
CommitmentTxB HTLCtoB
change: pk(A)
class TxA1 {
CommitmentTxB Anchor
CommitmentTxB ABal
CommitmentTxB HTLCtoA
CommitmentTxB HTLCtoB
change: pk(A)
CommitmentTxB --|>TxA0
CommitmentTxB --|>TxA1
In either case, she probably doesn’t need to use any confirmed funds, as she can pay the on-chain fees directly from her channel balance immediately.