Can you explain that? I don’t see how someone can do anything with the SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY
signature extracted from the witness, as it’s not sufficient to spend the output, they also need a second signature from the owner of the HTLC tx, which will be using SIGHASH_ALL
True, that’s another pinning attack (that ariard described a while ago if I remember correctly). I’m not sure this one needs to be fixed by v3 though. When we discussed it a long time ago, we realized that:
- the attacked node doesn’t necessarily need their HTLC-timeout tx to confirm: if they learn the preimage, they don’t need to claim the output at all
- the attacker is taking some risk, because the attacked node can potentially still learn the preimage and get their HTLC-timeout confirmed, in which case the attacker is losing money
- a simple preimage gossip mechanism over lightning would fix that
- a mechanism in bitcoind that would let us inspect conflicting peer transactions to potentially extract the preimage would also fix that
I don’t think we should go down the rabbit hole of trying to exchange signatures to require a 2nd-stage HTLC transaction when spending from the remote commit: we simply cannot do this with the current commit_sig
/ revoke_and_ack
protocol, as there’s a chicken-and-egg issue where you don’t know beforehand what you should be signing (we had the same issue when investigating that change for liquidity ads: [Lightning-dev] Liquidity Ads: Updated Spec Posted, please review)
Can you describe that in more details? I don’t see what issue you’re referring to. If Bob broadcasts a revoked commitment, it cannot pin it while it’s unconfirmed because that revoked commitment is using v3. Once the revoked commitment is confirmed, Bob can only spend the HTLC outputs via a pre-signed HTLC tx, whose output also contains a revocation path that Alice will be able to claim? So in the end Alice will get all the funds?
Yes, that is a very nice benefit of the v3 change! Being able to pay the on-chain fees directly from the channel balance is a very important but often overlooked improvement in my opinion.