LNHANCE bips and implementation

Inquisition is fine, and I’m happy to open a separate PR there for CSFS and INTERNALKEY if that is helpful to reviewers or others in the community. It is not, however, part of the flow for changes to bitcoin core. It is an optional place to test significant changes before they are proposed for activation in bitcoin core if that is helpful to the process for any particular change.

APO is one way to achieve LN-Symmetry. In the range of possible ways to achieve LN-Symmetry, APO is somewhat of a closed development path. It introduces new key types for the existing sigops with a concrete set of sighash flags that cannot later be upgraded without adding another new set of key types. I have a PR open against APO that suggests an alternative design for those sighash flags, and there is a known issue that they should be changed to commit to the control block or merkle path to the script being executed in some modes. In short, there is a large design space for those sighash flags and a lack of direct upgradeability.

In contrast, CTV has a fairly narrow design space. The basic output commitment template is pretty clearly exactly as BIP119 describes it, and this can be combined with a well understood operation (CHECKSIGFROMSTACK) to provide the same committment as that used in @instagibbs LN-Symmetry implementation. Once we have CTV and CSFS in production for some time, we will be much better positioned to further analyze what other sighash modes might be useful for our next Tapscript key versions, or to analyze what hashing modes might be worth adding as a flags byte (or bytes) to CTV.

In short, this approach gives us small building blocks that are lowest common denominator for a variety of 2nd layer enhancements and position us to continue the discussion on future improvements.

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