Here’s a new one, Oracle slashing (just proposed).
That relates closely to simplified DLCs with CTV.
Timeout Trees, pretty well specified.
LN-Symmetry, as written by @instagibbs, ports directly to LNHANCE (probably all of uses for SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT|SIGHASH_ALL
Ark, as originally proposed by Burak, and depending on ephemeral anchors.
Simple coin pools (with n-n signing required to advance the state of the pool) simple to implement, only useful for small (e.g. family) groups.
Simple CTV Vaults implemented, but somewhat hard to use.
edit to add: Didn’t mention the basic ability of CSFS to be used in delegation. This is often not the best method, but can be useful. Script like <pubkey> SWAP IF 2DUP CSFSV DROP ENDIF CHECKSIG
And many many many more that I don’t have immediate links to.