PPLNS with job declaration

As a pleb advocate, I’m particularly curious how the proposed SV2 extension would affect transactions described under GCC, which would essentially penalize low-end nodes, even if they:

  • pay high fees
  • are consensus-valid
  • are available in the so called “Standard/Canonical/Platonic” mempool

Let’s call these transactions as GCC vectors.

How should a SV2-JD-enabled Pool take that into account? I see three options:

  • A. reject all jobs that include GCC vectors in the proposed templates (as a JD policy)
  • B. impose economical penalties to jobs that include GCC vectors in their template (as a reward policy)
  • C. ignore GCC vectors

The proposed extension is not really relevant for option A, since the basic SV2 primitives already allow for that.

Option B does have some relevance here, and I’m curious as to whether this is being taken into account in the design of the proposed extension.