Warnet + Increase Tx Relay Rate

overall this proposal makes a lot of sense to me. thanks @ajtowns :slight_smile:

a couple thoughts & questions:

maybe reduce MAX_OUTBOUND_FULL_RELAY_CONNECTIONS from 8 to 5 (to simulate the greater distance between nodes in a network of 10k-100k nodes, despite only having 100 nodes)

we can test out more than 100 nodes, but reducing this number still make senses to me. I’d be curious to see both 4 and 8 to see if the patterns match our expectations. so, I’m proposing adding this as one of the initial parameters.

once a block reward matures, create a tx splitting the reward into 0.1 BTC outputs at a 500sat/vb feerate

is the point of this suggestion to have an arbitrary but deterministic technique for creating plenty of UTXOs to support whatever general transaction patterns we are interested in?

In particular, my expectation is that if you increase the sustained tx creation rate above 18 tx/s you’ll start to get inconsistent mempools and the “txn requested” number may rise.

this sounds like a good way to test-the-test: with whatever initial setups are chosen, keep increasing the tx creation rate until we see the tx requested number rise, to identify when functionality is starting to deteriorate.

one aspect I’m still trying to grok is the asymmetry of rates between inbound & outbound peers. the current patch proposes 14tx/s for inbound, and we have the 2.5x multiplier for outbound peers. how do we compare these node level values with whatever we find to be reasonable at the network level?

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