Chia Lisp For Bitcoiners

I want to talk some more about doing a Lisp variant for script on Bitcoin, but before I do that in detail, I figure it’s probably helpful to do a summary of what Lisp looks like on the Chia blockchain, since that already has good answers for many of the questions that come up. If that sounds interesting, read on; if not, maybe remember this post exists so you can refer back to it later when I treat it as assumed knowledge in posts that do sound interesting!

This writeup assumes you’re familiar with Bitcoin and Bitcoin Script, but not with Chia or Lisp. It takes a very bottom up approach, and doesn’t go into any real detail about what any of this makes possible.

For those who are familiar with Chialisp, note that I’m mostly talking about the behaviour of clvm (ie what’s implemented in consensus and seen on-chain in chia), rather than Chialisp per se (ie, the syntax you use to write complicated programs that then gets compiled down to clvm).


Why is this worth thinking about at all? After all, Bitcoin script is a great little language, essentially a tiny stack based RPN calculator, that’s robust enough to be ready to replace central bank clearing houses, with enough programmability to do a bunch of neat things. But from a programmer’s perspective, there are two things that as a language it can’t do well: looping and structured data.

Not being able to do a loop natively means that scripts that do the same thing repeatedly quickly become cumbersome, for example the Lamport Sigs and CAT tricks design has 20 steps each involving an 8 level merkle tree that need to be spelt out separately, rather than just having two loops – so 160 steps that should just be one in a loop. There’s been thoughts about adding constructs that could enable looping to bitcoin script in the past, eg BIP 12 OP_EVAL and BIP 117 Tail Call Semantics, both of which are explicitly limited to disable looping, or OP_FOLD.

Not being able to natively deal with structured data isn’t as big a problem: you can work around it by using the various stack rotation opcodes and moving things on and off the alt stack, however that becomes annoying to actually do in practice. For example, a few of the recent script proposals suggest modest changes to imply a little more structure: eg,

  • OP_VAULT allows you to specify a number of items that will be encoded as minimal pushes and prefixed to the provided leaf-update-script-body,
  • OP_SEGMENT proposes introducing a code-separator like opcode that does nothing itself, but is used to separate out the impact of OP_SUCCESSx behaviour, so that script fragments can be manipulated within script itself
  • there is a proposal being tossed around for CHECKSIGFROMSTACK to also allow specifying up to 16 additional bits of message data, that will be hashed and combined for the actual signature verification operation occurs

The approach Chia Lisp takes addresses both these limitations in perhaps the simplest way possible:

  • it adds an “apply” opcode (a) that allows for recursion and hence can be used for looping; and
  • it replaces the concept of a stack with that of a binary tree – any element can either be a leaf node (aka an “atom”) that is just a byte string (the same as stack elements now), or it can be a branch and contain a pair of elements (aka a “cons”), which are themselves either branches or leaves.

As is usual for Lisp, programs are then encoded in that same data structure, allowing the program itself to be introspected using the same operations that allow manipulating any other data structure.

Making Lists

Lisp is known for its lists, though, not for binary trees, so the above may seem slightly surprising. It’s fairly simply resolved however: lists are constructed recursively, where the first element in the list is put on the left side of a cons, and the rest of the list is put on the right side, and the empty list is defined as the empty byte vector, also known as “nil”. We have special notations for this:

  • () is the empty list aka the empty byte vector
  • (a . b) indicates a cons or branch element with a on the left and b on the right.
  • (a b c d) indicates a list of four elements, equivalent to (a . (b . (c . (d . ()))))
  • (a b c d . e) indicates a “dotted” list, which ends with e instead of an implicit nil, ie is the same as (a . (b . (c . (d . e)))).

This means that (a b . (c d)) is just an alternative way of writing (a b c d).

If you keep taking the righthand side of each cons until you come to an atom (ie a byte vector, aka a leaf node), then either the byte vector is empty, and you have a normal list, called a “proper list”, or it’s a non-empty byte vector, and you have what’s called an “improper” list.

For anyone like me who has heard about car and cdr but didn’t know what they meant, car just means take the left side of the pair, and cdr just means take the right, and they come from implementation details from the original Lisp. Better, in my opinion, to call them “head” and “tail” (as is usual in other functional languages), or as Common Lisp and Chia Lisp do, “first” and “rest”.

Having opcodes operate on lists

It then becomes fairly straightforward to extend opcodes to operate on a list of arguments: eg, rather than OP_ADD taking exactly two things off the stack and adding them together, we can have the + opcode expect a list of values that it will add together. Then we just put the opcode and its arguments together as a pair, ie (+ . (1 2 3)), but of course, as we just established, that’s the same as writing (+ 1 2 3), and that becomes our general notation for expressions in our programs.

The environment

We want to be able to write programs that are applied to some “user input”, so the way we do that is we have something called the “environment”, which the program can access. The environment is just another list (or binary tree), but we have a clever way of accessing any part of it just via an integer. In particular, we say that 1 gets us the whole thing verbatim; 2 gets the left side, 3 gets the right side, 4 gets the left side of the left side, 6 gets the right side of the left side, etc.

flowchart TD
    1 --> 2
    1 --> 3
    2 --> 4
    2 --> 6
    3 --> 5
    3 --> 7

The general procedure is:

def get_env(n, e):
  if n == 0: return nil
  while n > 1:
    if n % 2 == 0:
      e = e.left
      e = e.right
    n //= 2
  return e

So if the environment is the list (1 2 3) then get_env(2, env) gives 1, get_env(5, env) gives 2, get_env(11, env) gives 3, and get_env(15, env) gives the final nil.

Thus if you want the program “(a*b)+c” you can write that as (+ (* 2 5) 11), and the numbers will be treated as environment lookups, so if the environment is (1 2 3) the result will be (1*2)+3=5.


What if you want to triple a number (multiply by 3), rather than multiply by whatever the user inputs? In that case you can “quote” values, to avoid resolving them either from an environment lookup or evaluating them as an expression. This involves a special opcode, q, which has special evaluation rules compared to every other opcode. Its behaviour is quite simple: its result is just its argument passed through without any evaluation. It’s also special in that it doesn’t necessarily expect a proper (nil-terminated) list for its argument.

So if you instead of (a*b)+c, you want to calculate (a*b)+(3*c), you can write that as (+ (* 2 5) (* (q . 3) 11).


At a high level, then, the logic for evaluating a program is therefore:

  • If the program is an atom, treat it as representing a number, and lookup the environment based on that number. The answer is the result of the program.
  • If the program is a cons, take the front (left) and call it the opcode, and take the rest (right) and call it the arguments
    • If the opcode is not an atom, or the cons of an atom and nil, fail. If the atom does not match a known opcode, fail (or, in non-strict mode, treat as no-op and evaluate as nil).
    • If the opcode is q (ie the one-byte atom 0x01), return the arguments verbatim
    • Otherwise, evaluate the arguments:
      • If it’s nil, stop
      • Otherwise if it’s a cons, recursively evaluate the first (left) element as a program, and fee that into the opcode, then continue with the rest (right element).
      • If it’s not nil or a cons, error.
    • Return the result of feeding the processed arguments into the opcode.

Note that this is an “eager-evaluation” approach: eg the “if-then-else” opcode (i) accepts three arguments, a “condition”, a “then” value and an “else” value, however it does not short-circuit, so whether or not the condition is true, both the “then” and “else” values will be calculated, even though one or the other will be immediately discarded. That becomes important if you’re doing recursive/looping constructs, and when evaluating the execution cost of the program.

Also note that numbers in Chialisp are represented as signed, 2’s-complement big-endian (more or less the opposite of Bitcoin’s little-endian with a sign-bit approach). Numbers can be arbitrarily large, they’re not limited to 4bytes or 64, 128 or 256bits, but rather they’re limited by the overall cost of evaluating the program as a whole.


As well as q, there are a bunch of other opcodes:

opcode (name) arguments atom value description
q (quote) 0x01 special, return arguments unevaluated
a (apply) A B 0x02 evaluate A as a program with environment B
i (if) C T E 0x03 if C is not nil, then T, otherwise E
c (cons) L R 0x04 produce a cons element with L and R as left and right
f (first) C 0x05 return the left element of C, fail if C is an atom
r (rest) C 0x06 return the right element of C, fail if C is an atom
l (listp) X 0x07 return 1 if X is a cons, nil otherwise
x (raise) 0x08 fail the program immediately
= (eq) *A *B 0x09 return 1 if A B are both atoms are equal, nil otherwise
>s (gr_bytes) *A *B 0x0a return 1 if A is greater than B when both are interepreted as byte strings, nil otherwise
sha256 *A *B *C … 0x0b calculate the sha256 of the concatenation of the arguments
substr *A *B *C 0x0c return the substring of A between B and C
strlen *A 0x0d return the length of A
concat *A *B *C … 0x0e return an atom concatenating all the arguments
+ (add) *A *B *C … 0x10 return A+B+C
- (subtract) *A *B *C … 0x11 return A-B-C
* (multiply) *A *B *C … 0x12 return A * B * C
/ (div) *A *B 0x13 return A / B
divmod *A *B 0x14 return the pair A/B and A%B
> (gr) *A *B 0x15 return 1 if A is greater than B when both are interpreted as numbers, nil otherwise
ash *A *B 0x16 return the value of A arithmetically shifted by B bits (ie with sign extension)
lsh *A *B 0x17 return the value of A logically shifted by B bits (ie treated as unsigned)
logand *A *B *C … 0x18 bitwise and of A, B, C (follows python behaviour for & of negative values)
logior *A *B *C … 0x19 bitwise inclusive-or of A, B, C
logxor *A *B *C … 0x1a bitwise exclusive-or of A, B, C
lognot *A 0x1b bitwise inversion of A
point_add g1_add *P1 *P2 … 0x1d BLS12-381 addition of G1 points (renamed in CHIP-11)
pubkey_for_exp *A 0x1e BLS12-381 create a G1 point (multiply the generator by A)
not A 0x20 return 1 if A is nil, return nil otherwise
any A B C … 0x21 return 1 if any of A B C… is not nil; return nil otherwise
all 0x22 return 1 if none of A B C… are nil; return nil otherwise
softfork *C *E P A 0x24 evaluate P with environment A (like a opcode) but with new behaviour defined by E, and a cost of C

Arguments marked with an asterisk are required to be atoms: if a cons is provided instead the program fails immediately. (Note that this restriction is only applied after the argument is evaluated, though)

In addition, these opcodes are added by CHIP-11; initially via the softfork operator with extension 0, but after the CHIP-12 hardfork, also directly, as if they’d always been there.

opcode (name) arguments atom value description
coinid *PARENT *PUZHASH *AMOUNT 0x30 Return the coinid given the parent coin, puzzle hash and amount; fail if any of those arguments are invalid/non-canonical
g1_subtract *A *B *C … 0x31 BLS12-381 subtraction of G1 points (A-B-C)
g1_multiply *P *S 0x32 BLS12-381 multiplication of G1 point P by scalar S
g1_negate *P 0x33 BLS12-381 negation of a G1 point P
g2_add *A *B *C … 0x34 BLS12-381 addition of G2 points
g2_subtract *A *B *C … 0x35 BLS12-381 subtraction of G2 points (A-B-C)
g2_multiply *P *S 0x36 BLS12-381 multiplication of G2 point P by scalar S
g2_negate *P 0x37 BLS12-381 negation of a G2 point P
g1_map *DATA *DST 0x38 Map arbitrary data (by hashing it) to a BLS12-381 G1 point with optional domain separation tag
g2_map *DATA *DST 0x39 Map arbitrary data (by hashing it) to a BLS12-381 G2 point with optional domain separation tag
bls_pairing_identity *G1_1 *G2_1 *G1_2 *G2_2 … 0x3a Return nil if the pairing of all given pairs is the identity, otherwise fail
bls_verify *G2 *G1_1 *M1 *G1_2 *M2 … 0x3b Return nil if the signature (G2) is valid for the combination of the messages (Mn) and public keys (G1_n)
modpow *B *E *M 0x3c Returns B raised to the power E, modulo M
% *N *D 0x3d Return N % D
SOFTFORK *C [unspecified] 0x5a For allowing future upgrades to the classes of conditions a Chialisp program can return
secp256k1_verify *P *M *S 0x13d61f00 ECDSA signature check (pubkey P, message digest M, signature S) via secp256k1
secp256r1_verify *P *M *S 0x1c3a8f00 ECDSA signature check (pubkey P, message digest M, signature S) via secp256r1

One thing worth noting there is that unlike in bitcoin, very few opcodes are dedicated to control flow and data manipulation: just q, a, i, c, f, r, x (7); as compared to if, notif, else, endif, verify, return, toaltstack, fromaltstack, ifdup, depth, drop, dup, nip, over, pick, roll, rot, swap, tuck, 2drop, 2dup, 3dup, 2over, 2rot, 2swap (25). In effect, the ability to easily access any part of the environment just by using an integer to specify its location gives an arbitrarily large number of “stack access” opcodes.

The softfork operator

Instead of either a range of upgradable NOP opcodes or taproot’s OP_SUCCESSx, Chia lisp has a single (softfork ...) wrapper function. This accepts four arguments:

  • a program and environment that will be interpreted in a similar way as the arguments for the (a ...) opcode would be, except with new behaviour defined in a soft fork
  • a code identifying the soft fork(s) that should be applied to the program
  • the expected total cost of evaluating the program (so that the consensus critical cost of the program can be correctly calculated even by older software that does not implement the specified soft fork behaviour)

This is essentially an extended OP_NOP – the result of the softfork opcode is always nil, so the only additional behaviour that can be implemented within a softfork program is to fail the script entirely, which is exactly the same as when introducing new functionality to Bitcoin script via OP_NOP opcodes. Where it differs is that it is easy to provide complicated arguments to (softfork) in lisp, that can include a whole program with many new opcodes; doing the same in Bitcoin script is not as simple, simply because you’d need to define a new way of specifying those complicated arguments.


One thing you may note is that Chia’s original list of opcodes doesn’t include a “checksig” equivalent. That is because rather than Bitcoin Script’s approach of returning a boolean as to whether the script succeeded or the transaction is invalid, Chialisp takes the approach of returning a set of “conditions” that need further validation, generally in the context of the block of transactions. This includes (aggregated) signature validation, but can also includes requirements like “this coin must also be spent simultaneously”.

I’m not going to go into any detail about this behaviour, because most of it doesn’t map easily onto Bitcoin, and it’s essentially a separate layer to the lisp scripting in any event.

Recursion and looping

What does looping look like given these primitives? Consider the normal example, calculating a factorial:

  • f(1) = 1
  • f(n+1) = (n+1) * f(n)

The clvm implementation of that looks like:

  • (a (q a 2 (c 2 (c 5 ()))) (c (q a (i (= 5 (q . 1)) (q 1 . 1) (q 18 5 (a 2 (c 2 (c (- 5 (q . 1)) ()))))) 1) 1))

That breaks down somewhat like:

  • (a (q . PROGRAM) (ENV)) - run PROGRAM with environment ENV
  • PROGRAM = (a 2 (c 2 (c 5 ()))) - run the program in slot 2 of the environment, in the context of a new environment (that’s pretty much the same as the existing one)
  • ENV = (c (q . APPLYIF) 1) – create a new environment with APPLYIF in slot 2, and the current environment in slot 3
  • APPLYIF = (a (i (= 5 (q . 1)) (q q . 1) (q * 5 (a 2 RECURENV)) 1) – check if the value in slot 5 is 1, if it is evaluate as (a (q . 1)), if it’s not evaluate as a recursive call, (a (* 5 (a 2 RECURENV)) 1). The (a (i X (q . Y) (q . Z)) 1) pattern allows you to have a short-circuiting if, despite the i opcode not having that behaviour natively.
  • RECURENV = (c 2 (c (- 5 (q . 1)) ()))) – recursive step changes to arguments: 2 stays the same, 5 has 1 subtracted from it, 7 is nil


Putting the values into the right place in the environment, and ensuring they’re quoted correctly involves a lot of fiddling, as you can see by all the c and q invocations, and getting those things right manually is pretty hard. That brings us to the difference between “Chialisp” and “clvm”. Compared to the clvm code for factorial shown above, the Chialisp code for factorial looks like a much more normal functional program:

(mod (INDEX)
    (defun factorial (VALUE)
        (if (= VALUE 1) 1 (* VALUE (factorial (- VALUE 1))))
    (factorial INDEX)

Some points from the above:

  • defun allows you to define (possibly recursive) functions, that can be treated like opcodes, rather than having to manually invoke them with the a opcode
  • Unlike with clvm, you don’t have to quote numbers; you use names when you want to access the environment, and the compiler figures out where in the environment to put them. Obviously, the compiler quotes those numbers when translating into clvm code. (You can use @ to access the environment directly if you don’t want to use names for some reason)
  • if is a macro that supports short-circuiting, unlike the i opcode

One caveat that may be worth noting is that chialisp often does not check that additional arguments aren’t provided. For example with the code for “factorial” above, the generated clvm code will correctly calculate 120 as the result when presented with the input (5), and given an = on list type error if presented with ((10)) or a path into atom error if presented with 5, but it will also produce the result 120 if given the extended list (5 13) – it only grabs the value 5 from the left hand side of the cons, it doesn’t also check that the right hand side of the cons in nil, it just ignores it entirely. This creates a third party malleability vector; however while that may be a problem in the Bitcoin context (it would decrease the tx’s effective feerate, making it less attractive to mine, and would introduce a conflicting wtxid which may be confusing), it perhaps isn’t much of a problem in Chia’s context (as bundling gives the opportunity to optimise unreferenced atoms out anyway).

There are a variety of other features available at that higher level, including the ability to include code from other files, and it’s possible to add or change the supported features arbitrarily without requiring consensus changes. In some sense you might consider chialisp as similar to the miniscript policy language, while clvm code is similar to miniscript/script code.


As you may expect, clvm programs/data are represented over the wire in a binary format, rather than an ascii one. It’s a fairly straightforward encoding:

first byte extra bytes meaning
b0xxx_xxxx the one byte atom with the same value
b1000_0000 the zero byte atom (nil)
b10xx_xxxx 1-63 byte atom follows
b110x_xxxx 1 0-8,191 byte atom follows
b1110_xxxx 2 0-1,048,575 byte atom follows
b1111_0xxx 3 0-134,217,727 byte atom follows
b1111_10xx 4 0-17,179,869,183 byte atom follows
b1111_110x invalid
b1111_1110 invalid
b1111_1111 cons elements follow

This format does mean there are multiple encodings of the same data: eg the single byte atom 0x42 can be encoded as a single byte 0x42, or as two bytes 0x8142, or as three bytes 0xc00142, etc.

It also may not be well optimised for its use case: each list requires a 0xff cons marker for each entry in the list, and a 0x80 nil terminator; it may have been better to have linear overhead for megabyte or gigabyte length atoms, rather than linear overhead for even small lists.

Compared to Bitcoin script, clvm here has a lower overhead for one-byte constants greater between 17 and 127 (inclusive), but higher overhead for 64-75 byte pushes. The latter impacts signatures for Bitcoin, though does not impact signatures for Chia: BLS12-381 signatures are ~96 bytes in length anyway, and because it supports pairing, signatures are designed to be aggregated together into a single signature per block anyway, and an additional byte of overhead per block rather than per spent coin is pretty immaterial. That has a moderate impact: the cost limit for chia blocks implies a limit of up to 920kB of data per block (and much less when you add in actual signature verification etc), and is measured against this serialization, so wasted bytes do matter somewhat.


Speaking of costs: carefully accounting for costs is how chialisp allows flexible computation primitives without introducing the same denial-of-service attack vectors that caused a range of Bitcoin script’s original opcodes to be disabled.

The overall block cost limit is 11e9; each opcode then has a cost made up of three components: a fixed cost per operation, a per-argument cost, and a per-byte cost. So (* 0x10 0x2000 0x400000) has three arguments, and six bytes, eg. Futher there is an additional cost dependant on the size of the returned valued. Finally the conditions resulting from a script also have significant costs (as these are what result in coins being spent/created and signatures being verified). Finally, there is a per-byte cost simply for encoding the script in the first place.

One non-obvious difference is that in Bitcoin, we have a stack size limit of 1000 and an element size limit of 520 bytes, so that the program’s data is limited to taking about 500kB of memory at any point in time (though various overheads can make this a little larger). By contrast, Chia largely does not have a point-in-time runtime limit, but rather a total compute limit. This means it largely doesn’t make your program any cheaper if you design it so memory can be freed earlier.

I think an example of a program that uses lots of memory but still fits within Chia’s cost budget is:

(mod (C) 
    (defun double (N X) (if (> N 0) (double (- N 1) (concat X X)) X))
    (double C "foo")

which just doubles the string “foo” however many times you ask it to. If you say “double it 26 times”, that would result in a 200MB string, with a calculated cost of 5,234,558,878 which is slightly below the half the 11e9 limit for a block (mempool transactions are limited to half the block cost).


Another non-obvious difference between Chia and Bitcoin costs is due to spend bundles. This is in many ways a natural consequence of supporting automatic signature aggregation: rather than transactions remaining separate, they’re combined into bundles, and their signatures are aggregated. However, at the same time the signature is aggregated, their lisp scripts are also bundled together, which can then allow some further optimisation: eg if many coins have the same script just with different public keys, you could have the script be a template, and reuse it via a loop for each coin that it corresponds with.

The downside of this seems to me to be twofold:

  • it makes it harder to reuse the cache of validated transactions from your mempool to speed up block validation
  • it makes block assembly more complicated, and in a highly competitive environment, may increase centralisation pressure and become a vector for censorship

So while this is neat, I don’t really think it’s interesting enough to try retrofitting into Bitcoin, and am pretty much ignoring it as a feature.


In order to mess around with clvm/chialisp, chia-dev-tools seems to be the main starting point; following the pip install there gives you run (a chialisp compiler that generates clvm code), brun (a clvm interpreter that executes clvm code), and cdv (which does fancy stuff much of which I don’t understand and haven’t looked at). I haven’t found any online tools that you can use to compile/test/debug code online without installing software locally. There’s also a rust implementation, which is definitely preferable.


Perhaps an interesting thing to look at is what defects have been found in the clvm since it’s launch, and how they were addressed. Examples I’m aware of:

  • Inconsistent division results was a bug where the div operator didn’t behave as expected for negative values, fixed by making negative division invalid, recommending usage if the divmod operator instead in the rare cases where it might be desired.
  • CATbleed was a smart contract programming error (insufficient checking of inputs to a hash function allowing different input sets to result in the same hash), fixed by updating the smart contract to a new version, and mitigated for the future by introducing a new coinid opcode that does all the checks directly. (CAT here refers to “Chia Asset Tokens”, and isn’t related to OP_CAT)
  • Excessive recursion via a bug where internal stack usage didn’t contribute to the cost calculation so wasn’t effectively limited; fixed by adding a stack depth limit
  • Missing functionality: as noted above CHIP-11 adds a bunch of opcodes, covering directly doing ECC operations on the BLS12-381 curve, as well as ECDSA signature checking on secp256k1 and secp256r1, modular exponentiation, and a mod operator that doesn’t require an extra step to drop the division result.
  • Missing functionality: CHIP-11 and CHIP-14 add some conditions, namely (for CHIP-11) various new signatures committing to only part of the coinid, and (for CHIP-14) reverse timelock conditions (must be spent prior to …), concurrent spend conditions (must be spent in the same block as …, and creation assertions (coin being spent was created at …).


Anyway, I think that covers all the key features of clvm/chialisp in reasonable detail, as long as you’re not actually trying to develop actual chia scripts/contracts (in which case you need to know how conditions work in at least some detail).

Note that I’m not an expert in lisp/clvm/chialisp, and have more focused on the design/potential than the details per se, so there may be errors in my understanding and/or description. No warranty, etc.


This is a really cool idea, thanks for the detailed writeup! From the linked discussions, this point resonated with me:

A particular advantage of lisp-like approaches is that they treat code and data exactly the same – so if we’re trying to leave the option open for a transaction to supply some unexpected code on the witness stack, then lisp handles that really naturally: you were going to include data on the stack anyway, and code and data are the same, so you don’t have to do anything special at all

Its also really nice to already have real-world usage, devtooling, known bugs, etc with chialisp.

Would we be able to take advantage of Formal Verification tooling that exists for LISP? You mention “lisp-variant,” which makes me feel like the answer is no, but figured I’d mention it.

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I think the most applicable formal verification work out there is probably the work that’s been put into Simplicity. I think there’s probably not too much work to match chia lisp against coq/lean/isabelle and the like: byte vectors and pairs are pretty basic building blocks. But when you add cryptographic security assumptions (“the odds of coming up with a valid signature without knowing the private key should be less than 2^{128}”) proving things gets pretty hard.

Thanks for doing this writeup. It’s interesting context seeing how someone views Chialisp from the outside.

The purpose of templates is a cost one: Even mildly complex scripts can become cost prohibitive if they have to be repeated over and over again, and being able to reuse code helps massively with that. There’s also a hook for being able to pull code out of earlier blocks for further cost savings.

The conditions language and coin format in Chia should be thought of as comparable to Bitcoin’s transaction format, which sits outside of Bitcoin Script but is made reference to from it and has its own set of rules. The particular details of how those are done in Chia have the huge benefit that they allow for implementation of not just covenants but also capabilities which is something you don’t touch on here. Similar benefits could be had in Bitcoin with the addition of opcodes for handling transactions but it may be possible to get away with some extremely aggressive use of OP_CAT.

I think costs are set so that the string growing attack you mention can’t overflow the capacities of a reasonable machine validating blocks with Chia’s block size, although that may depend on your definition of ‘reasonable’. There is a cost for string creation which is linear on its length.


Seconding some of what you’re saying here. It shouldn’t be hard to match Simplicity up with the SOTA proof assistants which are also very related to things like Idris/Agda. Idris/Idris2 have Chez Scheme code-generators (Scheme being a slimmer, cleaner LISP variant).

At the end of the day, we may not care as much about formally verifying the output, although such a property would be nice. We make a fundamental tradeoff when we erase structural information during the compiling procedure. The advantage of formally verifying the compiler target language (the interpreted language from the perspective of the consensus VM) is that we can derive the properties we want regardless of the source language. The downside is that preserving this extra structural information can be costly, both in space, as well as if we choose to check those structural invariants at transaction validation time (particularly costly).

The other option is to not do the formal verification on the target language but rather do the verification of the program semantics in the source language, and just ensure that certain properties are preserved by the transformation from source to target. The benefit of this is alleviating the network cost of validation, but you end up making the source language for which you do this the de-facto standard, which has its own downsides.

I think ultimately a LISP like target language would be a good line of research as it gives us a lot of the same flexibility as Simplicity, albeit without having to verify computation all the way down to the formalism of Cartesian Closed Distributive Categories.


Based on your description, I can make some high-level comparisons with Simplicity design choices.

One feature of Simplicity is “pruning”. Simplicity programs are committed via a Merkle Tree structure and unexecuted branches are required to be trimmed when the program is revealed. This is kinda the opposite of the if statement that evaluates both branches that is described in Chia Lisp. Simplicity’s pruning has potential privacy benefits as well as potential for reducing on chain data.

Chia Lisp and Simplicity both appear to support “delegation”, which lets you attach new code in controlled ways at redemption time. In Chia Lisp you would add quoted code as an input, and in Simplicity there is a special combinator for attaching code at a particular location at redemption time. In Simplicity the hash of this attached code would typically require to be signed. I’m not sure how it works in Chia Lisp.

Unfortunately, as I have found out, delegation generally wreaks havoc on softforking in new opcodes (by opcode I just mean some primitive, or intrinsic or jet-like thing). If unallocated opcodes are treated as op-success and users can attach new code at redemption time, then that new code could contain an unallocated opcode, whose op-successedness will just succeed and bypass all other checks that are supposed to run.

Chia Lisp solutions seems to take a NOP approach where softforked opcodes must return nil and the computational content is all in whether the opcode fails or not. I suppose this approach could also be done in Simplicity by only allowing softforks of jets that return Simplicity’s equivalent of nil.

There are also several other more minor design differences. Simplicity’s implementation has no “run-time” allocation. The maximum memory use is computed upfront from the structure of the program and allocated before evaluation begins. An alternative implementation could just reuse a pool of maximum sized allocations which is currently arbitrarily defined to be 5 Megabits or about 650 Kilobytes.

And, of course, this upfront computation of costs and maximum memory use is only possible because Simplicity has no general recursion (though you can somewhat fake it using the delegation mechanism). Another consequence is types in Simplicity programs are always of statically bounded size.

Ah, it’s different to that: it takes the approach where soft forked opcodes must be run in a subprogram that returns nil (or aborts); within that subprogram the soft forked opcodes can do whatever they please. So the new (coinid P H A) operation can calculate and return a hash value, but (prior to a hardfork) you can only use that within a program that has “verify” behaviour, eg something like:

(softfork COST 0 
    (q a (i (= (coinid P H A) X) (q q nil) (q x))) 

With a structure like that, you could have P H A X pulled from the environment (1), the code within softfork checks that X is calculated correctly (manually aborting if it’s not via the (a (i COND (q q nil) (q x))) pattern), then additional code outside the softfork can make use of an otherwise untrusted X, having now established it correctly matches P H A.

Ah, that is very clever. Yes, something like that likely could be adapted to Simplicity since Simplicity does have a notion of subexpressions that return nil (in Simplicity terms it would return the value of unit type). I’d have to think about it some more to make sure there are no issues with pruning, or delegation or type inference, but I don’t foresee any problems.

This is very good because finding a soft-fork solution was a problem that I hadn’t yet found a good solution for. The first version deployed on Liquid will probably have no upgrade mechanism, and instead a subsequent version of Simplicity (perhaps one with this soft forking mechanism) would simply be deployed under another tapleaf version (of which there are currently plenty).

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This is something you can kind-of do in chia lisp, you just have to do it manually if you want to. The standard transaction format implements the base taproot idea of being able to switch from providing just a signature to involving some more complicated script, calling it a “hidden puzzle”. To do that, it generates a hash of the hidden script via the custom sha256tree1 function. I don’t think it would be much more hassle to add taproot-style MAST (where you just have a top level merkle tree of scripts, choosing one to evaluate), though you’d need some cleverness to resolved a deeper AST (replacing (i COND CODE hash) with (a (i COND (q . CODE) (q x))) at the same time as building up the overall hash of the expression, perhaps).