CTV+CSFS: Can we reach consensus on a first step towards covenants?

First of all, it is not easy to write about covenants without upsetting at least some people, given the various different leanings on the topic. Don’t worry, I won’t be announcing an activation client, nor pointing fingers or proposing yet another opcode.

Recently I have noticed a small uptick in positive sentiment on the topic of covenants; at least within my own bubble of bitcoin developers. When I noticed some people were sharing their ideal covenants roadmap on Twitter, I did the same. While I didn’t put a whole lot of thought into this roadmap (you’re not supposed to do that on Twitter), it was nonetheless based on two years of pondering on the topic. To my surprise, I received a lot of positive feedback, both publicly and privately. And even more to my surprise, I heard almost no voices of objection. So I’m here to share a little bit of the thinking process behind this roadmap.

Consensus upgrades

Bitcoin protocol developers have only two duties: maintain and protect the decentralized and permissionless nature of the bitcoin network; and provide functionality for app developers to build the product that is bitcoin as digital money.

Immediately, two challenges come to mind:

  • Changing consensus code to provide new functionality always comes with a certain risk. From buggy code to chain splits to changes in the network’s incentive structures, it is our duty to take the utmost care when evaluating changes to bitcoin’s consensus before proposing them to users.
  • Since bitcoin users don’t use the protocol directly, but app developers do when they are building the applications on top, it is hard to evaluate the utility of different proposals.

Because the design space of application developers is so vast and bitcoin users so varied, I think the best approach is to make the bitcoin protocol as expressive as possible, while focussing on maintaining the security of the network and not endangering bitcoin’s core properties.

On generalized covenants

In light of this approach, I specifically like the outlook of the Great Script Restoration project of Rusty Russel. It aims to re-instante much of the originally intended expressivity of bitcoin’s Script and at the same time safeguarding validation requirements by introducing the VarOps budget for Script execution. The basic opcodes the GSR re-enables can then be extended with a combination of opcodes specifically tailored to provide transaction introspection (covenants) in an efficient, practical and safe way.

While no one will deny that covenants are a useful tool to build a wide variety of second-layer protocols, I feel that there is still hesitancy in the wider bitcoin user community on how the merits of the functionality covenants and second-layer protocols enable outweigh the risks of introducing them.

A careful first step

Given the above arguments, I feel like we have both not yet figured out how to best design a practical protocol for fully generalized covenants, nor fully figured out their implications for the network’s incentives.

Technically however, I do feel that we can already sufficiently envision at least how the basis of any more generalized solution will look. For example, any proposal currently being designed, will benefit from an opcode to succinctly assert certain transaction properties. This is why I took on the work to spec out and implement the OP_TXHASH opcode according to Russel O’Connor’s ideas. While TXHASH as it stands is far from being mature enough to be deployed, it can function as an upgrade path for the similar but more restricted opcode OP_CTV. CTV has been known to the developer space for several years, has been deployed on various test networks and has been used to develop several use cases.

While CTV alone is quite a powerful tool for various second-layer protocols, it might on its own not be compelling enough to perform a soft-fork upgrade. That’s why I think it makes sense to bundle it with another simple and mature opcode, OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK. This opcode is also active on some test networks and has been deployed to the Liquid network for years.

What attracts me to this combination of opcodes, CTV & CSFS, is that both of them stay useful in the scenario of further upgrades towards generalized covenants. Templating transactions is a useful tool in itself, and CTV can be upgraded with TXHASH to make the templating a lot more powerful. CSFS on the other hand, enabling simple signature verification, is such a basic tool that it will likely always have some use cases.

Besides, CTV and CSFS enable only the most restrictive version of covenants possible. This both gives us more time to design technical solutions for generalized covenants and better study their implications for the network.

CTV + CSFS, what do we actually get?

Summarizing, CTV & CSFS as a combination both enhances existing protocols and makes some entirely new protocols possible, while still being a very careful addition to bitcoin’s expressiveness.

Some examples of new protocol possibilities:

  • In general terms, CTV simplifies any protocol that is based on pre-signed transactions by removing the need for both the interactivity of the pre-signing and the requirement to store the signatures. This in itself can benefit both existing protocols and new protocols yet uninvented.
  • Since CTV+CSFS functions as an equivalent for SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT (APO), which enables Lightning Symmetry (formerly Eltoo). LN Symmerty is argued to be a better and more user-friendly implementation of Lightning channels, while it also makes multi-party channels possible and simplifies the implementation of PTLCs, further improving the Lightning Network. Greg Sanders’ deep dive summary on LN Symmetry mentions additional benefits of CTV specifically. Various Lightning devs have stated their intention to implement LN Symmetry if CTV+CSFS would be available.
  • More generally, CTV + CSFS as an APO replacement enabling re-bindable signatures can have further usage beyond LN Symmetry.
  • I am obviously biased here, but CTV is a game-changer for Ark, the younger second-layer protocol. While both Ark implementations are currently being built within bitcoin’s actual capabilities, the benefits of CTV to the user experience are undeniable, and it is without doubt that both implementations will utilize CTV as soon as it is available.
  • Protocols involving DLCs, which have been growing in popularity, can be significantly simplified using CTV.
  • BitVM would be able to drastically reduce its script sizes by replacing their current use of Lamport signatures implemented in Script by simple CSFS operations, while CTV could eliminate the need for some of the pre-signed transactions in its constructions.
  • Very limited vaults have been built with CTV.

Where do we go from here?

I mostly wanted to put this out there as a first step to see how people feel about this minimal package of opcodes as a first step on the covenants roadmap and hear out any feedback.

James O’Beirne and Rearden, who authored the latest implementations of the relevant BIPs (ctv, csfs), are working on updating their pull request to the Bitcoin Core repository so that they can be re-opened. While both the implementations are not new, they will obviously have to be thoroughly reviewed by other developers with knowledge of the codebase.

Additionally, I have been talking with the authors of alternative covenant proposals to ask them how they feel about this idea. Surprisingly, I have received almost exclusively positive responses, some of them publicly announcing their opinion on Twitter. But then again, my own personal bubble of developers is obviously biased in favor of expanding Script with more functionality. That’s why I’d like to gather some feedback from a broader audience.


I have added the link to this post as ‘rationale’ in the covenants support wiki page for your row.



If I wanted to arrive there I would probably go with:

  1. CTV + CSFS + IKEY [+ PC]
  2. TXHASH + CCV [+ CAT]
  3. GSR + ECops

TXHASH and CCV together make it extremely unlikely that CAT would be used for wonky inefficient introspection.

If you have PC you can delay CAT, but you need multi-commitments and Merkle stuff eventually. Alternatively you can go for CAT in step 2.

STARKs become a possibility at step 2 with CAT and afaik pretty much a certainty at step 3.

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Thanks for writing this. My personal view on the topic is that we should change Bitcoin’s consensus rules if we have a good reason to, but only if we do. I would like to offer some push backs and explain why i don’t think a CTV+CSFS meets the bar we should set for ourselves for a soft fork.

This is actually the main selling point of CTV in my opinion. Interactivity reduction is often underappreciated.

It would be useful to get some statement on the matter from active contributors to the Lightning specifications. What i heard from some people there is that Eltoo might be nice for (far) future stuff, like multiparty channels. But would not be close to a priority for the moment, where all resources are currently allocated to features demanded by users that can be implemented today (including some made possible by the last soft fork but not yet implemented).

This is pretty vague. What are concrete examples of applications leveraging those that have any realistic chance of bringing value to Bitcoin end users, should such a soft fork be activated?

If Ark becomes widely used and CTV makes it significantly better, then i think this would be a very convincing argument in favor of a CTV soft fork.

Could you list the benefits of CTV for Ark here, instead of linking to Twitter? This is better for discussion here, future reference, people who don’t have an account there, and for when it’s down like it’s been in the past couple days.

You say both implementations would use CTV as soon as possible beyond any doubt, but it seems the other team stated otherwise on Twitter. (Reference will have to wait until Twitter is back up.) edit: couldn’t find a reference

Bitcoin users don’t seem too interested in DLCs, at all.

Has BitVM seen any adoption from Bitcoin users, either directly or indirectly?

This is misleading to qualify such constructions as “vaults”. Vaults were introduced as a way for Bitcoin users to receive coins on a script such as external payments may be canceled, by enforcing an unvault period whereby external spend are delayed for a configurable amount of time.

The construction described there simply defines a precomputed chain of transaction to spend a UTxO which requires using a hot wallet before making a payment, which kills the purpose of using a ““vault”” if your intention was to protect yourself from your hot wallet being compromised. In addition, this transaction chain requires committing to the amount which is by itself a gigantic footgun. Send too little to the address? Your funds are locked forever. Send too much? The excess is burned to fees. Which makes it so you need to first receive funds on your hot wallet before sending it to this utxo-with-precomputed-chain-of-transactions, and even then make really sure you are not going to burn your funds in doing so.

CTV may be useful to reduce interactivity in some actual vault constructions, but those don’t seem to have much traction in the first place.

In conclusion, from the presented motivations for soft-forking CTV+CSFS today, only one was clearly demonstrated. Reduced interactivity in protocols by replacing presigned transactions with CTV commitments. This seems pretty light on its own for a Bitcoin soft fork.

Other team will use CTV if its available although prefer TXHASH which is explained as the next step by OP.

There are lot of things that are discussed privately and other team is also willing to issue a grant for a proof of concept on signet that uses CTV for Ark.

This is misleading. Atomic Finance and Lava use discreet log contracts. Failure of one project does not show anything about demand for discreet log contracts and improvements with covenants.

Yes multiple projects are based on BitVM.

Its not misleading. Vaults can even be built using pre-signed transactions.

The demo uses a simple CTV vault with single hop. There are several ways to setup a vault with CTV.

It wasn’t light in 2022 when you were interested to activate APO and built a vault demo using it. Co-author of APO supports CTV+CSFS as a soft fork.


Agreed. I am very wary of efforts to lock people into a “roadmap” when we can barely see what’s in front of us. It’s very unclear to me what is possible and desire-able longer term, but my personal preference is to bite the bullet and build/use something from the ground up that people can actually reason about.

That’s clearly a long way out and there’s no assurance that anything will pan out for practical and reasonable reasons, so thinking shorter term improvements is the best we can do, whether or not we decide to adopt the most mature proposals.

Caveat here being it only emulates a form of SIGHASH_ALL style APO. This is somewhat limiting and comes with downsides / additional roadblocks to adoption as a slot in replacement. e.g., it will heavily rely on CPFP instead of single tx exo fees which is a bit cheaper and reliably from relay PoV.

It depends on a number factors such as timing with other updates(one update of commitment tx is easier than two), difficulty of swapping out parts, and synergies with other changes to protocols.

I do think it would accelerate updating to PTLCs, f.e., even if symmetry per-se is never adopted. Re-bindable signatures just makes life so much less of a headache when stacking protocols…

I would caution on an overall effort to gate a softfork on a single group’s public declaration of using it promptly. If they’re good, powerful, modular primitives that seem to improve many existing constructions (with proper integration testing!), I think that’s the signal we’re looking for for “utility”.

It’s still in development by multiple companies from my understanding, so it’s hard to judge whether or not it will lead to usage, or what the end usage will be for. I am not interesting in jpegs, but I find trust-minimized bridges to a Shielded CSV-like system quite attractive.

What I’d like on this claim is concrete numbers on the size of improvement. CSFS doesn’t change the security/trust model of BitVM, when something like TXHASH could. And the efficiency claims would have to be weighed against alternative improvements e.g., bignum support alone supposedly brings down the disprove tx from 4MWU to <400kWU.

Unfortunately this is not an effective strategy to gather industry feedback. It is not incumbent on all reviewers to chase down motivations and validation for changes.

Overall, I think CTV+CSFS is an incrementalist improvement, but it is an improvement, built on modular pieces that likely won’t become wholly deprecated in the future if and when we rewrite script or decide we’re not worried about more MEVil. In other words, ignoring the social/technical costs of deployments which are very non-trivial, I believe it would be a positive outcome with limited maintenance burden.

I think @1440000bytes already responded with some things I wanted to mention as well. I’m not going to re-iterate them.

I think my main response here is something that I already tried to emphasize in the OP. Bitcoin users don’t use the bitcoin protocol. They use applications that application developers built on the protocol and it is these application developers that use the bitcoin protocol. I was there when users knew whether their wallet was “p2shwpkh” or “p2pkh” etc, the time when all users were developers. That time is over, because bitcoin is growing up. This basic principle inspires a lot of my responses.

Bitcoin users shouldn’t be interested in DLCs. You mention a failed company building on DLCs, while @1440000bytes mentions one that raised 30M in funding last week. Only mentioning one or the other is misleading.

Again, no. Users won’t use BitVM, but developers will. And they are. BitVM is obviously a very young and complex project, but multiple teams with ample funding have been building an implementation in the last year.

In fact, BitVM is a good example of the result of the lack of expressiveness in bitcoin’s protocol. It is essentially a bad version MATT, but built as a workaround around the lack of covenants in bitcoin. To me this shows that there is great demand for this expressiveness and developers are going to extreme lengths to obtain equivalent behavior in the ugliest possible ways.

I find is quite disingenuous when people point to the lack of implementations as an argument against a protocol upgrade. First of all, there were 0 implementations of taproot when it was deployed, but more generally, we cannot expect our developer ecosystem to be building on features we are still pondering to even add or not. Most of us can’t afford to spend months building something that in the best case will have to be shelved for another two years and worst case will be thrown out entirely.

There is an enormous difference in time commitment between brainstorming how certain primitives can be combined to achieve certain functionality, and actually implementing them. I think people with sufficient experience don’t need the latter to be convinced of the former.

I support this effort, as reflected in my pinned post on X.

To slightly expand on why specifically CTV+CSFS(and IKEY+PC?):


There’s a tension between “only change bitcoin consensus in gravest extremity” and “upgrade bitcoin whenever there’s a clear improvement to be had”. Team Slow and Steady (as promoted by @ajtowns, @moneyball, and others) is a proposed middle of the road that aligns well with the CTV+CSFS upgrade.

While there are many, @AntoineP included, who are in a fourth camp of “only change bitcoin consensus when there is a strong and clear reason”, that standard is simply not realizable while navigating the delicately balanced space between “only in gravest extremity” and “slow and steady”. Any upgrade that would add sufficient capabilities to show such a strong and clear reason will necessarily also raise the specter of potentially weakening the incentives which are necessary for bitcoin’s continued success. While I personally am confident that an upgrade such as CAT, Simplicity, or Lisp would not harm the incentive structure, that is difficult (I think impossible) to defend to Team Slow and Steady.

Therefore, we are left not with a choice of “CTV+CSFS now or something with stronger justification later” but rather “CTV+CSFS at some point, or nothing until solving the 2106 timestamp overflow”.

Lastly, I’d like to expand on why I think CTV+CSFS alone may need IKEY and PC to reach activation.

There was some debate during the development over the exclusion of a keyless spend. This was resolved with the justification that nearly all protocols have a cooperative n-of-n case that will dominate over whatever uncooperative cases. While this is broadly true, for some of these protocols, success would mean that the cooperative case itself is rarely broadcast which would then imply that uncooperative cases are the main spend seen in blocks. For those protocols, IKEY largely mitigates the cost of the mandatory key spend. Without IKEY, those potentially dominant spends are 32WU larger for no reason.

Thanks to @JeremyRubin’s key laddering concept, we know that CSFS alone enables Merkle-tree-ish commitments by using sigops to ladder keys which then commit to items. Given this, and the usefulness of such multi-commitments, I think it would be poor stewardship to add CSFS to bitcoin without also enabling multi-commitments directly. If we do so then protocol developers will use sigops instead, pushing up validation costs (not above current worst cases but simply unnecessarily). When I was developing the CSFS BIP, I briefly explored the idea of using magic keys of small sizes to specify additional items from the stack to sign over. In the end, I concluded that that functionality belongs in a separate opcode. @moonsettler developed PC as that opcode.

To tie this all together: While CAT would also enable multi-commitments for CSFS, CAT also violates the “slow and steady” ethos by introducing many capabilities with difficult to reason about incentive implications. PC is ideally situated to be everything we need to maintain incentive alignment between nodes and application protocol developers in a post-CSFS world, without introducing additional capabilities beyond those already added by CSFS itself.

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Appealing to history means you can only convince people perhaps that taproot wasn’t vetted enough. Valid argument to be made (I’m sympathetic to it, really), but I don’t think it will persuade people the integration testing bar should be the same 7 years later.

With regards to the latter point, there’s a lot of potential distance between “blog posts” and “fully production ready integrations”. Pushing this effort forward probably involves getting people to demonstrate in specification and end to end PoC code which is firmly between the two ends.

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I mean… sure? What’s your point here?

I am interpreting this charitably as “Bitcoin users should be interested in applications enabled by DLCs, not by DLCs themselves”. I wholeheartedly agree and this has been a point i’ve raised a few times already: for consensus changes we should consider what is enabled to Bitcoin users down the road, and should only consider tools made available to app developers insofar as it may bring benefits to end users.

I am sorry if this came across as misleading, this was absolutely not my intention. I am merely pointing out that we’ve been hearing about DLCs for years, companies were built to bring applications it enabled to market, and the market shrugged. Others also pointed out the lack of traction did not seem to be due to the performance limitations that would be lifted by CTV.

If DLCs are going to be used as a motivation for a CTV soft fork, it seems appropriate to ask how it’s going to 1) actually improve an application that 2) users actually care about.

Obviously my question about indirect users of BitVM was about whether anyone was using an application that a developer leveraged BitVM to build.

And if we are going to be uncharitable in interpreting each other’s points here let me be clearer. Handwavy claims about speculative applications of a not-yet-existing protocol are not appropriate to justify a Bitcoin soft fork in the near term.

You’ve also mentioned funding a few times now. Funding is good, and is a signal to take into consideration as presumably people that are putting money on a table have an incentive to properly research the market fit of a product. But this can’t be blindly followed in decisions about changing Bitcoin’s consensus rules, for obvious reasons.

There is some demand for more expressiveness from application developers for sure, that’s why we are here. But again, what should be demonstrated to motivate a soft fork is whether there is demand from Bitcoin users for the applications this expressiveness would enable.

I don’t see how it relates to your quote of my message, but let me reply to your point in general. I think it’s reasonable to demonstrate usecases if they are going to be used as a motivation for a soft fork proposal. Demonstrating a usecase does not mean building a production-ready application. It merely means showing there is demand for the usecase and that the proposed change does indeed enable the usecase.

I guess what i’m describing is something akin to the “power user exploration phase” in @ajtownsBitcoin Forking Guide.

Huh, what? What does Taproot has to do with all this?

I think my previous comment addresses this, nobody expects a full production application to be built to motivate a soft fork.

Maybe i don’t have enough experience, as you seem to imply, but i would argue the contrary. You seldom grasp all the ramifications of a protocol until you’ve actually implemented it.

Allow me to wind back a little bit here.

The core of the motivation of the OP was that it should be our goal to make the bitcoin protocol better, but that we as a community are both not sure of the best complete package for covenants and not entirely convinced enabling generalized covenants will not have unforeseen negative side-effects.

The argument I make in OP is that “covenants” doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing question, and can be achieved in multiple steps.

I think it is a bit unfair to claim that we can’t draw on examples from the past. Bitcoin soft-forks are clearly a unique technical and political challenge, and we have not much more than our own past to learn lessons from. Taproot, our previous soft-fork, seems to me like it came about with the same motivation I am citing as a motivation for covenants: it makes the bitcoin protocol better. At the time that seems to have been sufficient motivation. Of course things can change, but I never had the impression that we as a community felt that the taproot soft-fork was a mistake.

To come back to your main point of critique: I am not using the new use cases I mentioned as a motivation for this soft-fork proposal. What I am using as motivation is that it is a clear improvement to the protocol that falls cleanly in a larger roadmap towards covenants, while the opcodes in question are well-studied so the risk of unforeseen side-effects is small. And since we are far from close to reaching consensus on what the entirety of this roadmap looks like, it seems a reasonable technical decision to start with deploying a first step.

I took great care in selecting (and demonstrating) that these are two opcodes that would not be “lost” if we would later execute further steps on a roadmap, and excluded other opcode candidates that could (like PAIRCOMMIT and INTERNALKEY).

I used the mentioned use cases as a added bonus of protocols that could be built of enhanced with just this starting package of opcodes. Obviously these benefits will be somehow limited when compared to benefits that generalized covenants would imply.

Again drawing on the past, taproot similarly didn’t “enable” a whole lot of new use-cases, especially not compared to what a way simpler OP_CHECKSCHNORRSIG could do. It was nonetheless a worthwhile technical improvement of the protocol, as I think most developers at the time agreed on, even without having actually built any applications using it.

To finish, I obviously agree that as bitcoin matures and grows more important on the world stage, we should definitely raise the bar for changes to our consensus. I just get the feeling that for some people the height of this bar has become a fixation as some kind of proxy for bitcoin’s political maturity, while on the technical side I hear almost no voices claiming that these opcodes are either endangering the network or will turn out useless after subsequent upgrades. I am afraid that this mentality is ultimately holding us back.

Where should the bar realistically be? Is bitcoin a done project? Is it working perfectly and should it only be changed if its security is endangered? Or should we realize that bitcoin is still a work-in-progress and our goal is to incrementally extend its functionality while maintaining its security? This is obviously a false dichotomy, but I hope you can see the point I’m trying to make.

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Thanks Steven for introducing this subject.

This is indeed a really compelling question if the community of bitcoin technical experts is in measure or not to reach consensus on covenants. Even if I disagree with a lot of the positions asserted within, this is always valuable to have that kind of conversation with the most dispassionate and disinterested minds.

First and foremost, I strong believe we should abstain ourselves to use expressions like “we as a community felt”, who is we ? who is that community ? and if you go to read any treatise on psychology, biological emotions and as such expressing “feelings” is one of the most subjective experience that one can have as a human being. The domain of subjective psychology is not necessarily the most compelling lexical fields when you have to argue on objective criterias for an audience who is geographically spread around the world.

Secondly, I strongly also believe we should abstain ourselves to use expressions like "Bitcoin soft-forks are clearly a unique technical and political challenge,”.

As said in reply to James on the mailing list which is still pending moderation, science and engineering != politics. The old bitcoin motto is "Vires in numeris”, which for the ones less used with Latin means “Trust the Numbers”, i.e all the cryptographic assumptions backing Bitcoin as a protocol and a network (Discreet Log problem, preimage-collision resistance for SHA256, Hashcash as a cryptographic protocol, etc).

That changing the Bitcoin consensus involves discussions, arguments and palavers with other human beings, yes this is a reality and otherwise there would be no one else with whom you could exchange few scarce sats of your stack. However, this is a social activity, e.g like a group of people who would play the different instruments of a musical orchestra, but it’s not a political activity, as it’s understood in humanities (e.g in postmodern theories, science has always been a unique object of its own).

If my memory is correct, myself I’ve only used the “political” adjectives 2 in my more than half-a-decade Bitcoin career, and the 2 times it was to denounce the kind of horse-trading show we often see on bitcoin core, where contributor A goes to review PR #1 in exchange of another contributor B going to review PR #2 (— they mutually benefit of merged PRs for their funding renewal, afterall…), under all very questionable technical criteria. Horse-trading show more or less documented in IETF RFC 7282, pointing this is not technically sound "rough consensus”.

Of course, that historically in Bitcoin some people involved at the crux of the development process of bitcoind, the original client, have tacken at times, or been deliberately ambiguous with trying to establish any sound guidelines, while at the same time having massive commercial interests on a specific technical outcome has been seriously detrimental for the credibility of the process of consensus changes.

Let’s remember the example of Blockstream, where folks have gone to raise venture capitals for $21M, publishing a sidechain with a proposed Bitcoin Script (e.g OP_SIDECHAINPROOFVERIFY) while the names on the paper had work experience with Mozilla and few other non-profits. At Mozilla, the Foundation is dissociated from Mozilla Corporation, and this was already true at the time in 2014.

I don’t remember that Satoshi ever announced the venture capitalist funding of the Bitcoin whitepaper on TechCrunch.

Instead the Blockstream people (Sipa, Gmax, Adam Back, Austin Hill), especially the engineers could have instead focus their time nurturing initiatives like Bitcoin Optech and its online-ressources and in-person workshops, or ensuring the old bitcoin mailing list hosted by the Linux foundation was moderated on neutral grounds, or building up on the work of Amir Taaki in maintaining the BIPs. All community activities building bridges in matters of consensus changes…

But no what we had instead is a kick-out of Gavin Andresen of its maintenance rights in 2016 (cf. laanwj’s blog post). Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn, whatever all others judgements we can have on them, were technical builders and building communities. Somehow it turns out that Mike Hearn’s bitcoinj micropayment channels, which was Satoshi’s idea and of which the Lightning Network is only a sophisticated iteration, is what is certainly the most decentralized used second-layers, compared to “federated” side-chains.

All that said I wasn’t active in Bitcoin protocol development during the early days of the Block Size War. I wasn’t in Blockstream folks shoes and I might judge them harshly retrospectively without all the facts in mind. However, as said the adage "Error humanum est, perseverare diabolicum”.

So I understood Jeremy’s “hot take” at the time of CTV 1st activation attempt in 2022 when he was jooking on one of his blog post (I can’t remind which one exactly…) that current Bitcoin consensus change is like getting the blessing of a “Grey Beards Committee”. One thing about unaccountable committee, you’ll always find people to join them and do nothing, just here to take the periodic financial reward associated with the committed seat…

Thirdly, saying proposal OP_MNO or proposal OP_IJK has “funding”, be it for-profit, non-profit, commercial venture, whatever is very short-sighted. Bitcoin as a protocol is first a complex scientific endeavor and let reminds Theranos in matters of results on a highly-funded, scientifically deficient venture (cf. Theranos wikipedia page). W.r.t to non-profit sources of funding which can be driven with a more scientific perspective, if we exclude Jeremy the only independent names I’m aware off I’ve never contributed to bitcoin script code, themselves, even less on covenants, as far as I can remember.

Fourthly, on the statement that “while the opcodes in question are well-studied so the risk of unforeseen side-effects is small”, this is factually wrong.

As Gleb Naumenko researched in the past and I pointed out this research on the mailing list, extending the bitcoin script can break the current UTXO model and enable to have tx-withhold risks of time-sensitive transactions.

Here the blog post, drawing from Ethereum academic literature actually:

To put it plainly, an attacker could (1) set a tx-withhold UTXO with a time-sensitive txid and (2) have this UTXO paying out miners for each block or sequence of blocks the txid is not confirmed in the UTXO set and (3) double-spend the funding UTXO of a LN channel as “honest” lightning transactions have been withheld.

Fifthly, CheckTemplateVerify and its iterations has been around since more than ~6 years, it has been broken few times at least there was a change to integrate input in the template to avoid "half-spend” issues, as Gmax pointed out. Very strict template is easier to reason on if it does enable some kind of change in the UTXO model.

Sixthly, for the Taproot there was an extended evaluation phase, with more than ~ 2 years and half between the proposition of BIP116 (OP_MERKLEBRANCHVERIFY) and BIP117 (Tail Call Execution Semantics), the original Taproot proposition in 2018 and the open-to-all on IRC review process over a span of weeks. This does not make Taproot perfect, as few people noticed after the code was merged for payment pools, there was no commitment to the script-path internal pubkey oddness in the control block c. Everyone is free to come to point out defects that could arise from Taproot consensus code, existing consensus code even made for Satoshi has its own issue, as the dummy element for OP_CHECKMULTISIG taught it.

Seventhly, on the “Is it working perfectly and should it only be changed if its security is endangered?”. See the point above about tx-withholding risk and the "half-spend” issue that was found in the past about CTV. If bringing covenants in bitcoin is a real security risk, we should do no soft-fork, or delay until they have been more studied. Personally, if bitcoin dies next week, I’m lucky to have access to a wide range of other options to preserve my financial autonomy, even better than the average fiat billionaire.

This is not the case of a lot of people in war zones, in developing countries or who cannot access the mainstream 24 / 7 banking system because they are discriminated due to a social factor (e.g they have an exotic name), etc. Bitcoin is an alternative for the ones who need it.

edited: to correct my own english and add missing link.

I like the aphorism “trust, but verify” (of course, some Bitcoiners take it further with “don’t trust, verify” – but either way, the verification part is important). When I try to verify statements like these about CTV, they usually come up pretty lacking.

Taking the specific examples you list for CTV+CSFS, rather than the ones on the utxos page:

  • “CTV+CSFS functions as an equivalent for SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT (APO), which enables Lightning Symmetry (formerly Eltoo)”

CTV+CSFS isn’t equivalent to APO, it’s somewhat more costly by requiring you to explicitly include the CTV hash in the witness data. The TXHASH approach is (in my opinion) a substantial improvement on that.

The TXHASH approach would be a taproot-only solution (as is CSFS), which would have the benefit of both simplifying the change (removing policy considerations for relay of bare-CTV txs, not having to consider the CTV in P2SH being unsatisfiable), and removing the need for segwit-related hashes to be precalculated for non-segwit transactions, preventing the potential for IBD slowdown, and not requiring complicated workarounds. I believe the only cost would be adding 70 witness bytes to txs in the “congestion control” use case, however that use case doesn’t seem viable in the first place to me.

(Strictly, “TXHASH EQUAL” is perhaps an extra witness byte compared to “CTV”, though “TXHASH EQUALVERIFY” is the same as “CTV DROP”. “[sig] TXHASH [p] CSFS” is probably a byte cheaper than APO, since you add “TXHASH” but save both a SIGHASH byte and a public key version byte. TXHASH also has the benefit that you can just run the script “TXHASH” through a script interpreter to get the TXHASH you want to commit to, rather than having to construct it out of band)

Beyond that, the exploration into ln-symmetry has been both fairly preliminary (to the best of my knowledge, nobody has been able to reproduce Greg’s results; I’ve tried, and I believe cguida has as well – ie, the “verify” part hasn’t succeeded in general). It also used APO, the annex, and some custom relay rules, not CTV or CSFS or the current TRUC/ephemeral anchor model, so even if it did provide good evidence that eltoo was possible with APO, someone would still need to do the work to redesign it for CTV/TXHASH/CSFS before it was good evidence for that approach. I suspect TXHASH, CAT and CSFS would actually be a good combination here, as that would allow for a single signature to easily commit to both the tx and publication of some data while minimising wasted bytes and without needing to allow relay of random data in the annex. (Doing an adaptor signature rather than forcing publication of data would be more efficient on-chain, but seems to still be hard to convert from a whiteboard spec to an actual implementation)

Unfortunately, eltoo/ln-symmetry doesn’t seem to be a very high priority in the lightning space from what I can see – eg, see the priorities from LDK.

I think having both CAT and CSFS would make implementing PTLCs a bit easier – you could replace “ SIZE 32 EQUALVERIFY SHA256 EQUALVERIFY” with “ SIZE 32 EQUALVERIFY TUCK CAT SWAP DUP CSFS” where “y” is the the s-part of the signature, calculated as preimage/(1+H(x,x,x)). Not simple per se, but separates out the PTLC calculation for the signing of the tx as a whole (avoiding the need for adaptor signatures), and only needs to be calculated once, not once per channel update. I can’t see a way to get the same result from just CSFS alone.

  • “I am obviously biased here, but CTV is a game-changer for Ark”

When I looked into this, as far as I could tell Ark has been built based on the elements introspection opcodes and on pre-signed transactions, but there has been no practical exploration into actually using it with CTV. For something that was announced as being implementable either with BIP 118 (APO) or BIP 119 (CTV), never having actually done that comes across as a huge red flag for me, particularly when people are willing to implement crazy things like the “purrfect” vaults.

  • “Protocols involving DLCs, which have been growing in popularity, can be significantly simplified using CTV.”

Doesn’t having CSFS available on its own give you equally efficient and much more flexible simplifications of DLCs? I think having CAT available as well would probably also be fairly powerful here.

  • “BitVM would be able to drastically reduce its script sizes by replacing their current use of Lamport signatures implemented in Script by simple CSFS operations”

I think CAT would also be a significant win here.

  • “Very limited vaults have been built with CTV.”

I don’t believe the CTV-only “vaults” are at all interesting or useful in practice; I’m not sure if adding CSFS into the mix changes that in any way. Fundamentally, I think you want some ability to calculate an output scriptPubKey as “back to cold storage, or spend here after some delay”, and CTV and the like only give the “spend here” part of that. Features like that are very complicated, and are very poorly explored. I think they’re worth exploring, but probably not worth rushing.

I mean, personally I have denied that covenants are a useful tool and continue to do so. Covenants are a bad idea, and misusing that term to also cover things that are useful was also a bad idea. Jeremy may have had a good excuse for making that mistake in 2019 or so, but there’s no reason to continue it.

If you’re seriously trying to establish consensus about activating CTV and CSFS simultaneously, I would expect the first step would be to revise the CTV BIP so that its motivation/rationale are actually consistent with such an action.

There’s no fundamental reason for TXHASH to be particuarly more flexible than CTV; it could be implemented precisely as “push the BIP-119 hash for this tx onto the stack”. If you wanted slightly more flexibility, you could use a SIGHASH-like approach where there’s a handful of values that will hash different parts of the tx, which could also precisely cover all the BIP-118 sighash values. It’s not immediately clear to me what variants would actually be useful though; I think having CAT available would cover most of the cases where committing to the OP_CODESEPARATOR position or the script being executed as a whole would be very useful though, which are the main differences between the two APO variants. I don’t think upgradability considerations here are even particularly necessary; just introducing OP_TXHASH2 in future seems roughly fine. (For general tx introspection, an OP_TX that doesn’t automatically hash everything is perhaps more useful, but general tx introspection is a much wider design space)

So much for “I won’t be … pointing fingers”, I guess? In any event, I would personally argue this was a serious flaw in how we deployed taproot, and one that we shouldn’t repeat. While we did have some practical experimentation (the optech taproot workshops explored schnorr, alternative tapscripts, and degrading multisig eg), and certainly had plenty of internal tests, that was still pretty limited. In particular, there were a variety of problems we didn’t catch particularly early, but likely could have with more focus on “does this work in practice, or just in theory?”:

  • going from an abstract design for musig to an actual implementation was quite complicated, and perhaps would have been simplified if the x-only/32-byte point changes could have been reconsidered. The optech workshops predated this change, so didn’t have a chance to catch the problem; and the taproot review sessions afterwards were mostly focussed on the theory, with any failures at not being able to actually use the features in practice not raising huge alarms.
  • Neutrino had a bug regarding compact block filters impacting blocks with taproot spends, that was only discovered a little over a week before taproot activated on mainnet.
  • Likewise, there were multiple bugs in btcd related to parsing of transactions that were only caught long after taproot was in active use. Really, these were holdover bugs since segwit, however taproot at least made transactions that trigger the first bug relayable. Either way, more practical experimentation on public test networks, rather than just in our internal test framework, would likely have allowed these bugs to have been discovered earlier, and potentially fixed prior to it causing downtime for users on mainnet, with risk of loss of funds.

From a social point of view this outcome probably shouldn’t be surprising – there were plenty of people pushing for taproot to be activated ASAP, and nobody saying that we should slow down and spend more time testing things and demonstrating that they’re useful.

As far as “most of us can’t afford to spend months building” goes, there’s two things you should consider. One is that with open source, you only need one person to build something, after which point everyone can reap the benefits. If you can’t find even one person willing to spend time on a moonshot project, it’s probably not actually much of a moonshot. Second, is that, reportedly these things only take a few hours, not months.

Personally, I think the biggest blocker to progress here continues to be CTV’s misguided description of “covenants”, and its misguided and unjustified concern about “recursive covenants”. Particularly given those concerns are incompatible with co-activation of CSFS, I would have thought a simple first step would be updating BIP 119 to remove/correct them, which might then also allow some rational discussion of CAT and similar features. I and others have already tried talking to Jeremy both publicly and privately about those issues with no success, but maybe you’ll have some. Otherwise, discarding BIP 119 entirely and starting from scratch with an equally expressive and more efficient simplified TXHASH BIP could be a good option.

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It’s great that Steven has apparently been working on this in the last hour, but maybe it’s even better to let the code bake a little while before trying to use it in a debate.

I think it’s fair to call something equivalent even if it’s a little more costly but achieves the same functionality. (Of course I wouldn’t go as far to make the same argument for things like CAT where you have to dump the entire tx on stack including several dozen opcodes.) A better argument would be that CTV+CSFS can only emulate APO|ALL and not the other APO flags. Though it seems that the APO|ALL variant of APO has the most interest.

The TXHASH BIP explicitly also specifies to enable CHECKTXHASHVERIFY in legacy and segwit context and outlines how hashes should be calculated for those contexts. This is specifically done so to enable “bare CTXHV” which is about a 70 witness bytes saving over p2tr and 30-something bytes over p2wsh. Having implemented TXHASH, I would definitely not say that it “simplifies the change”. The difference in both technical debt and potential for bugs is an order of magnitude bigger for TXHASH than for CTV. (Not to say that I don’t think TXHASH would be worthwhile, but I will definitely say that it has not received the attention I had expected, so I would definitely not want to put it on the table anytime soon.)

When it comes to IBD slowdown, I believe that was before the CTV cache was made lazy? All TXHASH caches are already implemented to be lazy, so they shouldn’t affect IBD or any tx validation without TXHASH opcodes.

It actually explicitly mentions some additional benefits from CTV on top of its use of APO:

An argument could be made that the lack of prioritization of eltoo in Lightning land is no proxy for a lack of enthusiasm for it. Lightning is not a moonshot industry, it has actual products and users, so they have to be pragmatic and build what can improve user experience tomorrow and not in several years.

Like already mentioned, I did the experiment last night and it was remarkably straightforward.

I wouldn’t go so far as to dismiss this experiment based on its age. The code is obviously not to be deployed in the state it is in, because I hackishly used conditional compilation to swap out our musig-cosigned transaction trees with ctv-based trees and for deployment you’d just pick one and not have the conditional compilation.

But we have been working on this implementation for over 6 months, it is working on bitcoin’s vanilla signet, we have ample integration tests that test various unilateral exit scenarios and all of these are passing for the ctv-based trees. From the looks of it, it seems like we could net remove about 900 lines of code if we would delete the cosigning code in favor of ctv and reduce our own round protocol to just two rounds of interactions instead of three. (Not to speak of the bandwidth improvement for not having to pass around signing nonces and partial signatures.)

Anyway, while this experiment shows that ctv is a practical primitive to use as a developer, I think it is still mostly off topic and I’d prefer to stick to the topic at hand.

I would assume so, but they would make the protocols a lot less “discreet”, I guess. The whole “hide the tweak inside the output key” feature is I think one of the main draws to DLCs and why they’re called “discreet” log contracts. Obviously not arguing against CAT adding a lot of value in most protocols :slight_smile:

Yes, getting the tx hash you want on the stack, sticking it to whatever data you want published onto it, and signing it does the trick.

This probably needs to be rewritten on a whiteboard because I don’t remember it saving much and being much harder to reason about in multiparty settings vs 32 WU. I’m guessing this is getting a bit off topic though :slight_smile:

One signature per PTLC also falls out of using APO/(CTV/TXHASH+CSFS), just to be clear. Not needing adaptor signatures (and binding it to a specific sighash?) is kinda cool.

Current TXHASH BIP has “sepcial” TxFieldSelector options, with 0-length argument being CTV mode, and 1-byte allowing BIP118 emulation. I think it’s pretty straight forward to investigate that direction.

I’ve found this use-case the least compelling part, especially at the cost of having to reason about legacy scripting. If it’s really important one idea I’d suggest it be included it as a new segwit output type as a separate feature that lives and dies in a proposal on its own merits. I ended up doing this with P2A for the exact same two reasons.

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My purpose with this thread is to avoid doing an independent activation client which will undoubtedly upset people, but instead hear everyone out and see if we can gather enough momentum to get some version of these changes deployed through the regular Core release process.