In this follows a proof for Double LIMO. More concretely, it shows that in each iteration of the algorithm progress is made towards a linearization which is as good as the input, and as good as the S_1 and S_2 found in that same iteration.
1. New concepts
First two new concepts (set-linearizations, slope comparison), with associated definitions and theorems, are introduced that will help with analyzing Double LIMO. Then a variant of the gathering theorem is introduced and proven
1.1. Set linearizations
Definition. A set-linearization is a list of non-overlapping sets of transactions whose prefixes are topological. The prefixes of a set-linearization C = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n) are the sets (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i)_{k=0}^n. A chunking is a special case of a set-linearization. Set-linearizations do not require monotonically decreasing feerate. A normal linearization with every list element replaced by a singleton containing it always yields a valid set-linearization.
Definition. Every set-linearization C has a set-feerate diagram \operatorname{setdiag}(C), which is the real function through the cumulative (\operatorname{size}, \operatorname{fee}) points of its prefixes. Note that unlike for normal linearizations, we do not implicitly “chunkify” for the diagram. So a set-feerate diagram is not necessarily a concave function.
Definition. Let \operatorname{chunksets}(C) be a function from set-linearizations to set-linearizations, which repeatedly merges pairs of consecutive sets where the latter has a strictly higher feerate than the former, until no such pairs remain.
Definition. The \sim, \gtrsim, and \lesssim operators are defined for set-linearizations as comparing their (unchunked) diagrams.
Theorem. For any set-linearization C, \operatorname{chunksets}(C) \gtrsim C.
Theorem. The diagram for \operatorname{chunksets}(C) is the minimal concave function through the (\operatorname{size}, \operatorname{fee}) points of every prefix of C.
Definition. Given a linearization L, a set-linearization C is compatible with L if every prefix of C is also a prefix of L.
Theorem. Given a linearization L and a compatible set-linearization C, then \operatorname{chunksets}(C) is also compatible with L.
Theorem. Given a linearization L and a compatible set-linearization C, then the diagram of C is nowhere better than the (post-chunking) diagram of L.
1.2. Slope algebra
To simplify reasoning about points in the diagram and the feerates they correspond to:
- Define the function \operatorname{sfpair}(S) for set S as the real vector (\operatorname{size}(S), \operatorname{fee}(S)).
- Define \operatorname{possize}(P) where P = (s, f) as s > 0.
- Define (s_1, f_1) \succeq (s_2, f_2) as f_1 s_2 \geq f_2 s_1, the “slope comparison”.
If \operatorname{possize}(P_1) and \operatorname{possize}(P_2), for P_1 = (s_1, f_1) and P_2 = (s_2, f_2), then P_1 \succeq P_2 \iff f_1 / s_1 \geq f_2 / s_2. Thus, \operatorname{sfpair}(S_1) \succeq \operatorname{sfpair}(S_2) \iff \operatorname{feerate}(S_1) \geq \operatorname{feerate}(S_2), and \succeq can be thought of as a generalization of the feerate comparisons on (\operatorname{size}, \operatorname{fee}) pairs, to situations where these coefficients do not necessarily correspond to a specific set of transactions, and sizes may even be negative or zero.
The following rules apply:
- Negation rule: P_1 \succeq P_2 \iff P_2 \succeq -P_1.
- Offset rule: P_1 \succeq P_2 \iff P_1 + \alpha P_2 \succeq P_2 \iff P_1 \succeq P_2 + \beta P_1 for real \alpha, \beta.
- Transitivity: P_1 \succeq P_2 \, \land \, P_2 \succeq P_3 \implies P_1 \succeq P_3, if \operatorname{possize}(P_i) for i = 1 \ldots 3.
- Line rule: Geometrically, the point P lies to the left of the (infinite extension of) the line from P_1 to P_2 iff P - P_1 \succeq P_2 - P_1. If \operatorname{possize}(P - P_1) and \operatorname{possize}(P_2 - P_1), then P - P_1 \succeq P_2 - P_1 iff P lies above the line from P_1 to P_2.
1.3 The set gathering theorem
This is a variation on the gathering theorem, with the difference that it operates on set-linearizations rather than linearizations.
Informally: moving a subset S of transactions to the front of a set-linearization C, and then chunking the result, will not worsen the diagram if the feerate of S is as good as every prefix of C, and as good as every prefix of C intersected with S.
Theorem. Given:
- A set-linearization C = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)
- A topologically-valid subset S of its transactions (S \subset (\cup_{j=1}^n c_j)) for which, ignoring conditions that involve the feerate of an empty set, it holds that:
- (1) \operatorname{feerate}(S) \geq \operatorname{feerate}(\cup_{i=1}^k c_i) for all k = 1 \ldots n
- (2) \operatorname{feerate}(S) \geq \operatorname{feerate}(S \cap (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i)) for all k = 1 \ldots n.
Then \operatorname{chunksets}(C') \gtrsim C where C' = (S, c_1 \setminus S, c_2 \setminus S, \ldots, c_n \setminus S).
- P_k as \operatorname{sfpair}(\cup_{i=1}^k c_i), the points making up the diagram of C.
- Q_k as \operatorname{sfpair}(S \cup (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i)), the points making up the diagram of C', excluding (0,0).
Our input conditions can now be stated using vectors and slope comparisons as
- (1) Q_0 \succeq P_k for k=1 \ldots n
- (2) Q_0 \succeq Q_0 + P_k - Q_k for k=1 \ldots n.
To prove that the diagram of \operatorname{chunksets}(C') is nowhere below the diagram of C, we will for every point of C show that a line between two points on C' exists that it lies on or below, as these lines form a lower bound for the concave function that is \operatorname{setdiag}(\operatorname{chunksets}(C')).
- For k = 1 \ldots n:
- If \operatorname{possize}(P_k - Q_0):
- (3) Q_0 \succeq P_k - Q_k [offset rule with \beta=-1 on (2)]
- (4) Q_k - P_k \succeq Q_0 [negation rule on (3)]
- (5) Q_0 \succeq P_k - Q_0 [offset rule with \beta=-1 on (1)]
- (6) Q_k - P_k \succeq P_k - Q_0 [transitivity on (4) and (5)]
- (7) Q_k - Q_0 \succeq P_k - Q_0 [offset rule with \alpha=1 on (6)]
- (8) P_k lies on or below the line from Q_0 to Q_k [line rule on (7)]
- Otherwise (not \operatorname{possize}(P_k - Q_0)):
- (9) Q_0 - P_0 \succeq P_k - P_0 [subtracting P_0 = (0, 0) from both sides of (1)]
- (10) P_k lies on or below the line from P_0 to Q_0 [line rule on (9)]
- If \operatorname{possize}(P_k - Q_0):
Thus, every point P_k of the diagram of C lies on or below either the line from P_0 to Q_0 (10) or the line from Q_0 to Q_k (8). Since P_0, Q_0, and Q_k are all on \operatorname{setdiag}(C'), this implies that \operatorname{chunksets}(C') \gtrsim C.
Corollary. The normal gathering theorem, under the condition that L[S] chunks to a single set, follows from the set gathering theorem, by applying it to C = \operatorname{chunking}(L), since the conditions follow from:
- (1) S having a higher feerate than L's first chunk, which has a higher feerate than any other prefix of chunks
- (2) L[S] being a single chunk implies it has no higher-feerate prefix itself.
Corollary. The chunk reordering theorem follows from the set gathering theorem, by applying it to C = \operatorname{chunking}(L), since the conditions follow from:
- (1) Like above
- (2) S \subset c_1 implying all intersections between S and prefixes of C are identical.
2. Double LIMO
Define \operatorname{DoubleLIMO}_{f_1,f_2}(G, L) for a graph G with existing linearization L, and two functions f_1 and f_2 that find high-feerate topologically-valid subsets of a given set of transactions as:
- If L = (), return ().
- Otherwise:
- Let C = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n) = \operatorname{chunking}(L).
- Let S_1 = f_1(G).
- Let S_2 = f_2(G).
- Let S be the highest-feerate among:
- (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i)_{k=1}^n, the prefixes of C
- (S_1 \cap (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i))_{k=1}^n, the prefixes of C intersected with S_1
- (S_2 \cap (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i))_{k=1}^n, the prefixes of C intersected with S_2
- (S_1 \cap S_2 \cap (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i))_{k=1}^n, the prefixes of C intersected with S_1 \cap S_2
- Return L[S] + \operatorname{DoubleLIMO}_{f_1,f_2}(G \setminus S, L[G \setminus S]).
This is equivalent to the description earlier in this thread, except it only considers intersections with linearization prefixes that are aligned to the chunk boundaries of L. In every step, \operatorname{DoubleLIMO} moves transactions to the front of the linearization, and then continues with what remains.
Theorem. The set of transactions S moved to the front by every step of \operatorname{DoubleLIMO} is such that some linearization L^\ast exists such that:
- (a) L^\ast starts with L[S]
- (b) L^\ast \gtrsim L
- (c) \operatorname{diag}(L^\ast)(\operatorname{size}(f_1(G))) \geq \operatorname{fee}(f_1(G))
- (d) \operatorname{diag}(L^\ast)(\operatorname{size}(f_2(G))) \geq \operatorname{fee}(f_2(G))
Note that there is no guarantee that \operatorname{DoubleLIMO} overall actually finds this L^\ast, because it depends on which S_1 and S_2 are returned by f_1 and f_2 in future iterations. However, in every iteration progress is made towards some L^\ast satisfying these properties that exists during that individual iteration. In further iterations L^\ast may be different, and progress will be made towards that one instead then (for better or worse).
Proof. To prove this, we will construct this L^\ast for this one iteration explicitlly:
- Let L_1 = L \triangleleft S_1.
- Let L_2 = L \triangleleft S_2.
- Let L^\ast = \operatorname{merge}(G, \operatorname{merge}(G, L_1 \triangleleft S, L_2 \triangleleft S), L \triangleleft S)
This L^\ast satisfies condition (a), starting with L[S], as it is the merging of 3 linearizations which all start with L[S].
L^\ast also satisfies condition (b), L^\ast \gtrsim L, because:
- Let L' = L \triangleleft S
- Let C' = (S, c_1 \setminus S, c_2 \setminus S, \ldots, c_n \setminus S).
- The set gathering theorem holds for set-linearization C and subset S, showing \operatorname{chunksets}(C') \gtrsim C, because:
- Condition (1) follows from \operatorname{feerate}(S) \geq \operatorname{feerate}(c_1), and c_1 has the highest feerate of any prefix of chunks.
- Condition (2) follows from the fact that for every candidate for S tried, its restriction S \cap (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i) for every k is tried as well. Thus, no S \cap (\cup_{i=1}^k c_i) can exist with feerate higher than S, as it would have been picked instead of S.
- C is the chunking for L, and \operatorname{chunksets}(C') is compatible with L', thus from \operatorname{chunksets}(C') \gtrsim C it follows that L' \gtrsim L.
- L^\ast is a merging with L', and thus L^\ast \gtrsim L' \gtrsim L.
To show it satisfies condition (c), \operatorname{diag}(L^\ast)(\operatorname{size}(S_1)) \geq \operatorname{fee}(S_1) (and analogously, condition (d)):
- Let C_1 = (S_1, G \setminus S_1), a set-linearization whose diagram satisfies the relation in (c).
- Let L'_1 = L_1 \triangleleft S.
- Let C'_1 = (S, S_1 \setminus S, G \setminus (S \cup S_1)).
- The set gathering theorem holds for set-linearization C_1 and subset S, showing \operatorname{chunksets}(C'_1) \gtrsim C_1, because:
- Condition (1) follows from the fact that both prefixes of C_1, namely S_1 and G in its entirety, are both candidates for S, thus the feerate of S must be at least as high as the better of those.
- Condition (2) follows from the fact that for every candidate for S tried, its intersection with all prefixes of C_1 were tried too (effectively, its intersection with S_1 as intersecting with G is the identity). Thus it cannot be that (S_1 \cap S) has a higher feerate than S, as it would have been chosen instead of S.
- \operatorname{chunksets}(C'_1) is compatible with L'_1, and thus from \operatorname{chunksets}(C'_1) \gtrsim C_1 it follows that the diagram of L'_1 also satisfies the relation in (c).
- L^\ast is a merging with L'_1, and thus L^\ast also satisfies this property.
2.1. Variations
It does not hurt to use the earlier form of Double LIMO, which considers all prefixes of L[S_1], L[S_2] and L[S_1 \cap S_2] rather than just the ones that align with chunks of L, as all the necessary properties are still held. More combinations can be tried too, as long as these include:
- S_1, S_2, and the first chunk of L (which is necessarily no worse than G itself)
- For every combination tried, also its intersection with the prefixes of the chunking of L.
- For every combination tried, also its intersection with S_1.
- For every combination tried, also its intersection with S_2.
In fact, this can be done dynamically, which may be desirable for larger numbers of S_i sets:
- Set S to be the highest-feerate among S_1, S_2, and c_1 (the first chunk of L).
- While S keeps changing:
- Replace S with the highest-feerate among:
- The intersections between the current S and the chunk prefixes of L.
- The intersection between the current S and S_1.
- The intersection between the current S and S_2.
- Replace S with the highest-feerate among: