I’m a bit worried about miners proposing fake block templates with absurdly high fees, thereby enjoying a relatively large payout.
This seems worse than block withholding, because such a miner could run a way with ~100% of the block reward with ~0% of the PoW.
The obvious counter measure is for the pool (or separate Job Declarator server entity, JDS) to verify every template. But this a non-trivial task, since the JDS node mempool could be very different. It may need to replace transactions its mempool with that of the template to check that it doesn’t contain a big fee transaction that’s actually unspendable.
Absurdly high fees would always trigger a new slice, so you can at least prioritize its verification.
For coinbase-only templates the JDS doesn’t know the transactions and can’t verify anything.
It’s also unclear how, in the random sample verification protocol, you would distinguish a malicious miner from a malicious pool making such templates for themselves (and ‘accidentally’ approving them).
Perhaps a simpler solution is to cap the fees for all slices to whatever fees were in the found block. The fake templates, if not caught, would then have their fees reduced to a level that at least in principle they could have found. Then it’s not much worse than regular block witholding.
This also creates a disincentive to produce high value templates with ‘secret’ transactions. Template providers will want everyone else to have the good stuff in their mempool too.