How to linearize your cluster

Hi sipa, thanks for your great work on this.

I’ve been thinking about this problem for some months now, alternating between looking for an algorithm and a reduction from some NP hard problem. It really is not obvious. However, DeepSeek R1 finally helped me find the surprising answer:

Finding a highest-feerate topologically-valid subset is possible in O(nm \log (n^2/m)) time, and this has been shown in 1989 by Gallo, Grigoriadis and Tarjan (“A FAST PARAMETRIC MAXIMUM FLOW ALGORITHM AND APPLICATIONS”, SIAM J. COMPUT. Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 30-55, February 1989, you can find it on sci-hub). Actually, there have been even earlier algorithms for this, quoted in this article, though they are a little slower. For your reference, the problem is called maximum-ratio closure problem (p. 48), the only difference being the direction of the arrows in the graph.

It requires a rather involved algorithm, where the graph is modified into a flow network whose capacities depend on a parameter \lambda (standing for the target feerate) and a min-cut is calculated for several \lambda until the optimum is found. Gallo, Grigoriadis and Tarjan solve this in the same asymptotic time that a single min-cut would take by modifying the Goldberg-Tarjan push-relabel algorithm to keep on working on the next \lambda after finding the min-cut for the one before, and proving that under some conditions that hold here, there are only O(n) breakpoints at which we need to calculate the min-cut.

This seems great news to me. It should mean that we can accomodate much larger clusters. The question is, how do we implement this? I haven’t found an open source implementation of exactly this algorithm, but the repo at has several algorithms in C++ that solve very similar problems, are supposed to be even faster in practice, and might be modified for our purposes (MIT license). The alternative would be to write the push-relabel parameterized min-cut algorithm from scratch, but as I said, this is not trivial.