How to linearize your cluster

How to linearize your cluster

Most transaction clusters are small. At least today, the majority consist of just a single transaction, and those which aren’t usually have no more than a few transactions. We plan to set the cluster size limit so that even at the limit, the ancestor-set based linearization algorithm completes in a reasonable time. Yet, most clusters will be smaller, and better algorithms can be used.

Here I build up an algorithm that eventually finds the optimal linearization. It can be run with a computation limit, in which case it’ll find something at least as good as ancestor-set based linearization.

1. Linearization overall

The most high-level description for pretty much any cluster linearization algorithm is:

  • While there are remaining transactions:
    • Find a high-feerate subset of the remaining transactions in the cluster (or ideally, the highest-feerate)
    • Sort that subset according to some topologically valid order (doesn’t matter which one, so e.g. sorting by number of unconfirmed ancestors suffices), append those transactions to the output, and remove them from the cluster.
    • Continue with the remainder of the cluster.
  • Optionally run a post-processing algorithm on the output, like this one.

Almost all the complexity (both in the computational sense and the implementation complexity sense) is in the “find high-feerate subset” algorithm. If we instantiate that with “pick highest-feerate ancestor set”, we get ancestor-set based linearization. The next section will go into finding better subsets, but first there are a few high-level improvements possible to the overall algorithm.

In practice, transactions aren’t actually removed from the cluster data structure, but instead a set of remaining transactions is kept, and all operations (connectivity checks, ancestor sets, descendant sets, …) only care about the part of the cluster that remains. For readability we drop the _G index to \operatorname{anc}() and \operatorname{desc}(); it is always implicitly the part of the cluster that remains.

1.1 Splitting in connected components

A cluster is (by definition) always connected, but it need not remain connected once some subset of transactions have been included. For example:

graph BT
  A["A: 5"];
  B["B: 1 "] --> A;
  C["C: 4"] --> B;
  D["D: 2"] --> A;
  E["E: 3"] --> D;

The highest-feerate subset is [A], but once that is included the cluster breaks apart into two components.

Whenever the remainder of the cluster consists of multiple components, it is possible to run the linearization algorithm recursively on those components separately, and then merge them (by chunking and merge-sorting the chunks).

1.2 Bottleneck splitting

Define the set of bottleneck transactions for a cluster G as:

B = \bigcap_{x \in G} \operatorname{anc}(x) \cup \operatorname{desc}(x)

These are the transactions that are either a descendant or an ancestor of every other transaction in the cluster. These transactions must be included in a fixed order, and by doing so, they partition the set into separate groups that can be linearized separately. For example

graph RL
  B --> A;
  C --> B; C --> D;
  D --> A;
  E --> D;
  F --> C; F --> E;
  G --> F;
  H --> F;
  I --> G; I --> H;

In this example, A, F, and I are bottleneck transactions. If there is a single root which everything descends from, or a single leaf that descends from everything, these will necessarily be bottlenecks, but the concept is more general and can include inner transactions too, like F above.

Bottleneck splitting consists of computing bottlenecks, and then linearizing the parts between them separately, and then combining them by concatenation. In a way, bottleneck splitting is the serial analogue of the parallel connected-component splitting. Here it would amount to invoking linearization recursively for BCDE and GH, and then outputting [A] + lin(BCDE) + [F] + lin(GH) + [I].

I’m not convinced bottleneck splitting is worth it as an optimization, as it only seems to help with clusters that are already relatively easy to linearize by what follows.

2. Finding high-feerate subsets

The bulk of the work is in the internal algorithm to find high-feerate subsets (or ideally, the highest-feerate subset). I conjecture that finding the highest-feerate subset is an NP-hard problem, so we’re very likely limited to small (remainders of) clusters, or approximations.

2.1 Searching

Overall, the search for high-feerate subsets of a given (remainder of a) cluster G follows an approach where a set of work items is maintained, each of which corresponds to some definitely-included transactions, some definitely-excluded transactions, and some undecided transactions. Then a processing loop follows which in every iteration “splits” one work item in two: one where the transaction becomes included (called the addition branch), and one where the transaction becomes excluded (called the deletion branch).

  • Set W = \{(\varnothing,\varnothing)\}, the set of work items, initialized with a single element (\varnothing,\varnothing).
    • Each work item (inc,exc) consists of two non-overlapping sets; inc represents transactions that have to be included, and exc represents transactions that cannot be included. Transactions that are not in either are undecided. inc always includes its own ancestors (\operatorname{anc}(inc)=inc), while exc always includes its own descendants (\operatorname{desc}(exc)=exc).
    • The initial item (\varnothing,\varnothing) represents “everything undecided”.
  • Set best = \varnothing, the best subset seen so far.
  • While W is non-empty and computation limit is not reached:
    • Take some work item (inc, exc) out of W.
    • Find a transaction t not in inc and not in exc (an undecided one).
    • Set work_{add} = (inc \cup \operatorname{anc}(t), exc); work item for the addition branch.
    • Set work_{del} = (inc, exc \cup \operatorname{desc}(t)); work item for the deletion branch.
    • For each (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) \in \{work_{add}, work_{del}\}:
      • If inc_{new} \neq \varnothing and (best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(inc_{new}) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)):
        • Set best = inc_{new}.
      • If there are undecided transactions left corresponding to (inc_{new}, exc_{new}):
        • Add (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) to W.
  • Return best

Regardless of the choice of element to take out of W, or the choice of undecided transaction t within it, this will iterate over all valid topological subsets of G, and thus put in best the actual best subset.

It would be possible to restrict the choice of undecided transactions to only consider ones that share ancestry with inc (if non-empty). Doing so will make the algorithm only consider connected subsets, which is sufficient as we know at least one connected highest-feerate subset always exists. This would result in a moderate speedup as it reduces the search space, but interferes with a much more important improvement later.

2.2 Potential-set bounding

To avoid iterating over literally every topological subset of the cluster (there may be up to 2^{n-2}), we can compute a conservative upper bound on how good (the evolution of) each work item can get. If that is not better than best, the item can be discarded.

This conservative upper bound is the potential set pot, which we will compute for every work item. For a given work item (inc, exc), pot is the highest-feerate set among all sets (not just topologically valid ones) that include inc and exclude exc: inc \subset pot and exc \cap pot = \varnothing. This is easy to compute:

  • Initialize pot = inc.
  • For each u not in pot or exc, in decreasing individual feerate order:
    • If pot = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(u) > \operatorname{feerate}(pot):
      • Set pot = pot \cup \{u\}.
    • Otherwise, stop iterating.

Observe that all elements of (pot \setminus inc) have a feerate at least as high as pot itself (this is clearly true for the last one added, and the transactions before that one cannot have lower feerate), and all undecided elements not in pot have a feerate not exceeding pot's (if they did, they would have been included). Thus, adding any other undecided transactions to pot, or removing any non-inc transactions from it, or any combination thereof, cannot increase its feerate. Therefore, it must be a maximum.

Incorporating this into the search algorithm we get:

  • Set W = \{(\varnothing,\varnothing)\}.
  • Set best = \varnothing.
  • While W is non-empty and computation limit is not reached:
    • Take some work item (inc, exc) out of W.
    • Set pot = inc.
    • For each u not in pot or exc, in decreasing individual feerate order:
      • If pot = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(u) > \operatorname{feerate}(pot):
        • Set pot = pot \cup \{u\}.
      • Otherwise, stop iterating.
    • If best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(pot) > \operatorname{feerate}(best):
      • Find a transaction t not in inc and not in exc to split on.
      • Set work_{add} = (inc \cup \operatorname{anc}(t), exc).
      • Set work_{del} = (inc, exc \cup \operatorname{desc}(t)).
      • For each (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) \in \{work_{add}, work_{del}\}:
        • If inc_{new} \neq \varnothing and (best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(inc_{new}) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)):
          • Set best = inc_{new}.
        • If there are undecided transactions left (not in inc_{new} or exc_{new}):
          • Add (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) to W.
  • Return best

This change helps the average case, but not the worst case, as it’s always possible that the optimal subset is only found in the last iteration. However, it’s a necessary preparation for the Jumping Ahead optimization, which very much does improve the worst case.

2.3 Best-bounding of potentials

A small optimization is possible to the above description, which seems to result in a ~25% reduction in feerate comparisons in the worst case.

The goal of the pot set is to ultimately decide if a work item is worth working on, namely when \operatorname{feerate}(pot) > \operatorname{feerate}(best). Additions to pot which themselves have a feerate below that of best cannot contribute to that. Therefore, we can break out of the addition loop early whenever the next transaction being added no longer meets the \operatorname{feerate}(u) > \operatorname{feerate}(best) condition.

In fact, this can be precomputed any time best changes. We introduce an imp (improvements) set, which starts off being equal to the cluster, but when best is updated, we remove from imp transactions which have a feerate lower than best.

  • Set W = \{(\varnothing,\varnothing)\}.
  • Set best = \varnothing.
  • Set imp = G.
  • While W is non-empty and computation limit is not reached:
    • Take some work item (inc, exc) out of W.
    • Set pot = inc.
    • For each u \in imp \setminus (pot \cup exc), in decreasing individual feerate order:
      • If pot = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(u) > \operatorname{feerate}(pot):
        • Set pot = pot \cup \{u\}.
      • Otherwise, stop iterating.
    • If best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(pot) > \operatorname{feerate}(best):
      • Find a transaction t not in inc and not in exc to split on.
      • Set work_{add} = (inc \cup \operatorname{anc}(t), exc).
      • Set work_{del} = (inc, exc \cup \operatorname{desc}(t)).
      • For each (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) \in \{work_{add}, work_{del}\}:
        • If inc_{new} \neq \varnothing and (best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(inc_{new}) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)):
          • Set best = inc_{new}.
          • Set imp = \{x \in imp : \operatorname{feerate}(x) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)\}.
        • If there are undecided transactions left (not in inc_{new} or exc_{new}):
          • Add (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) to W.
  • Return best

2.4 Jumping ahead

The potential set, as introduced in the previous section, has an important property: the transactions in pot that do not belong to inc must have a feerate at least as high as can be achieved by any set that includes inc and excludes exc (even ones that are not topologically valid). In fact, this relation is strict except for the case where inc = \varnothing and pot only contains a single transaction. Thus, if one is given such a set that is non-empty but which lacks one or more transactions in pot, then adding those transactions will always increase its feerate.

This implies that every highest-feerate topologically-valid set among those that include inc and exclude exc must contain every topologically valid subset of pot. If not, then a topologically valid highest-feerate set best that includes inc and excludes exc must exist, with a topologically-valid subset subpot \subset pot such that subpot \not\subset best. In this case, best \cup subpot will also be topologically valid, include inc, exclude exc, and have higher feerate than best (because adding pot transactions always improves feerate) which was assumed to be the highest-feerate such subset - a contradiction.

Because of the above, we can safely add topologically valid subsets of pot to inc. This effectively lets us jump ahead, by (possibly) including multiple transactions automatically without needing to split on each individually. We do this by iterating over all transactions in pot_{new} \setminus inc_{new}, and whenever one is found whose ancestry is contained entirely within pot_{new}, we add that ancestry to inc_{new}.

Note that this change makes the work_{add} and work_{del} variables only contain a preliminary inc, not the one that may eventually be added to W, as the jump ahead step is still applied to it.

We also move the computation of pot and updating of best inside the addition loop, as we want to perform the jumping as soon as possible and update best accordingly. This can replace the “if there are undecided transactions left” test, as a lack of undecided transactions implies pot = inc:

  • Set W = \{(\varnothing,\varnothing)\}.
  • Set best = \varnothing.
  • Set imp = G.
  • While W is non-empty and computation limit is not reached:
    • Take some work item (inc, exc) out of W.
    • Find a transaction t not in inc or exc to split on; this must exist.
    • Set work_{add} = (inc \cup \operatorname{anc}(t), exc).
    • Set work_{del} = (inc, exc \cup \operatorname{desc}(t)).
    • For each (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) \in \{work_{add}, work_{del}\}:
      • Set pot_{new} = inc_{new}.
      • For each u \in imp \setminus (pot_{new} \cup exc_{new}), in decreasing individual feerate order:
        • If pot_{new} = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(u) > \operatorname{feerate}(pot_{new}):
          • Set pot_{new} = pot_{new} \cup \{u\}.
        • Otherwise, stop iterating.
      • For every transaction p \in (pot_{new} \setminus inc_{new}):
        • If \operatorname{anc}(p) \subset pot_{new}:
          • Set inc_{new} = inc_{new} \cup \operatorname{anc}(p).
      • If inc_{new} \neq \varnothing and (best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(inc_{new}) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)):
        • Set best = inc_{new}.
        • Set imp = \{x \in imp : \operatorname{feerate}(x) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)\}.
      • If \operatorname{feerate}(pot_{new}) > \operatorname{feerate}(best):
        • Add (inc_{new}, exc_{new}) to W.
  • Return best

2.5 Choosing transactions

One thing that is unspecified so far is how to pick t, the transaction being added to inc or exc in every iteration.

The choice matters; there appear to be a number of “good” choices which combined with the jump ahead optimization above result in an ~\mathcal{O}(1.6^n) algorithm (purely empirical number, no proof), while others yield \mathcal{O}(2^n).

These all appear to be good choices, with no meaningful differences for the worst case between them:

  1. Use as t the highest-individual-feerate undecided transaction.
  2. Use as t the transaction for which splitting on it minimizes the search space the most, among:
    1. All undecided transactions.
    2. All undecided transactions in pot.
    3. All undecided transactions that are ancestors of the highest-individual-feerate undecided transaction.

We measure the size of the search space simply as 2^{|undecided|}, which is proportional to 2^{-|inc|-|exc|}. The search space after a split on transaction t therefore has a size proportional to 2^{-|inc\,\cup\,\operatorname{anc}(t)|-|exc|}+2^{-|inc|-|exc\,\cup\,\operatorname{desc}(t)|}.

It turns out that we do not need to compute the exponentiation here, and can compare the (maximum and minimum of) exponents instead, because

(2^{a_1} + 2^{b_1} \geq 2^{a_2} + 2^{b_2}) \iff (\operatorname{max}(a_1, b_1), \operatorname{min}(a_1, b_1)) \geq (\operatorname{max}(a_2, b_2), \operatorname{min}(a_2, b_2))

Thus, to find the t that results in the smallest search space, we maximize the minimum:

\operatorname{min}(|inc\,\cup\,\operatorname{anc}(t)|+|exc|, |inc|+|exc\,\cup\,\operatorname{desc}(t)|)

and as a tie-breaker maximize the maximum of those same arguments.

In particular option 2.3 above appears to be a good choice, though the numbers do not differ much.

2.6 Choosing work items

Lots of heuristics for the choice of (inc,exc) \in W are possible which can greatly affect the runtime in specific cases, but the worst case is unaffected by this choice.

Thus it’s reasonable to stick to a simple choice: treating W like a (LIFO) stack which work items get appended to, and popped from. This effectively results in a depth first traversal of the search tree, with a stack size that cannot exceed the total number of transactions in the cluster. This is probably the best choice from a memory usage (and locality) perspective.

If introducing randomness is desired (which may be the case if the algorithm is only given a bounded runtime), it’s possible to instead treat W like a small (say, k=4) fixed-size array of k LIFO stacks, and make picking from W and/or adding apply to a random stack in it. This retains DFS-ish behavior with (in almost all cases) only a small constant factor larger memory usage.

2.7 Caching feerates and potential sets

To avoid recomputing the feerates of the involved sets (inc, pot, and best, specifically), the fees and sizes can be precomputed and stored alongside the sets themselves (including inside the work items). When sets are updated, e.g. in inc = inc \cup \operatorname{anc}(t), only the fees and sizes of (\operatorname{anc}(t) \setminus inc) need to be looked up and added to the cached value.

We can go further. By extending our definition of work item to (inc, exc, pot), which stores the potential set pot between its computation and the item being processed, more duplicate work can be avoided. A pot_{new} entry is added to the work_{add} and work_{del} variables, containing a preliminary conservative subset for the actual potential set in these branches. Specifically:

  • For the inclusion branch, the new potential set \subset (pot \cup \operatorname{anc}(t)). It must certainly contain \operatorname{anc}(t) because that’s part of the new inc, but it must also contain pot. This is because the newly added transactions fall into two categories:
    • Ones that were already part of pot; adding these to inc doesn’t affect the potential set.
    • Ones that were not part of pot, and thus had a feerate below any undecided pot transactions. The algorithm for finding undecided potential transactions will consider the same transactions, but may at best continue for longer (as at every point its accumulated feerate is lower now) and at worst stop at the same point.
  • For the exclusion branch, the new potential set \subset (pot \setminus \operatorname{desc}(t)). This is because the newly excluded transactions fall again into two categories:
    • Ones that were not part of pot; adding these to exc doesn’t affect the potential set.
    • Ones that were part of pot, and thus has a feerate above that of pot. Adding these to exc means the algorithm for undecided potential transactions will consider the same transactions (except these removed ones), but otherwise at best again continue for longer, and at worst stop at the same point.

Finally, this change also lets us move the check that pot has higher feerate than best to the beginning of the processing loop, where it can catch cases where best improved between adding a work item and it being processed. The check inside the addition loop can be weakened to pot \neq inc. This is sufficient to make sure undecided transactions remain, and is faster than a feerate comparison (assuming set operations are implemented using bitsets). If the check fails (so when pot = inc), then no improvement is possible, and adding a work item is useless. If it succeeds then it is possible that \operatorname{feerate}(pot) \not> \operatorname{feerate}(best), but that will be detected once the item gets processed.

  • Set W = \{(\varnothing,\varnothing, \varnothing)\}.
  • Set best = \varnothing.
  • Set imp = G.
  • While W is non-empty and computation limit is not reached:
    • Take some work item (inc, exc, pot) out of W.
    • If best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(pot) > \operatorname{feerate}(best):
      • Find a transaction t not in inc or exc to split on; this must exist.
      • Set work_{add} = (inc \cup \operatorname{anc}(t), exc, pot \cup \operatorname{anc}(t)).
      • Set work_{del} = (inc, exc \cup \operatorname{desc}(t), pot \setminus \operatorname{desc}(t)).
      • For each (inc_{new}, exc_{new}, pot_{new}) \in \{work_{add}, work_{del}\}:
        • For each u \in imp \setminus (pot_{new} \cup exc_{new}), in decreasing individual feerate order:
          • If pot_{new} = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(u) > \operatorname{feerate}(pot_{new}):
            • Set pot_{new} = pot_{new} \cup \{u\}.
          • Otherwise, stop iterating.
        • For every transaction p \in (pot_{new} \setminus inc_{new}):
          • If \operatorname{anc}(p) \subset pot_{new}:
            • Set inc_{new} = inc_{new} \cup \operatorname{anc}(p).
        • If inc_{new} \neq \varnothing and (best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(inc_{new}) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)):
          • Set best = inc_{new}.
          • Set imp = \{x \in imp : \operatorname{feerate}(x) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)\}.
        • If pot_{new} \neq inc_{new}:
          • Add (inc_{new}, exc_{new}, pot_{new}) to W.
  • Return best

2.8 Seeding with best ancestor sets

Under no circumstances do we want to end up with a best whose feerate is worse than the highest-feerate ancestor set, as that would mean we are worse off than just ancestor set based linearization. If the algorithm runs to completion (until W = \varnothing), it will always find the optimal. But when running with a bound on computation, it is possible that the result is worse than ancestor-set based.

To prevent that, it is possible to run both ancestor set based linearization and a bounded version of the search algorithm developed so far, and then merge the two. It’s better however to run the search algorithm, but pre-split the initial state on the transaction with the best ancestor set. This too guarantees that stopping at any point will result in a best at least as good as the best ancestor set, but in addition also makes this information available for search.

To accomplish that, we abstract out the entire body of the “For each (inc_{new}, exc_{new}, pot_{new})” loop to a helper that potentially updates best and potentially adds an element to W. This helper is then used in the normal processing loop, but also for the initialization of W.

Overall, this leaves us with:

  • Set W = \varnothing.
  • Set best = \varnothing.
  • Set imp = G.
  • Define helper operation \operatorname{add}(inc_{new}, exc_{new}, pot_{new}) as:
    • For each u \in imp \setminus (pot_{new} \cup exc_{new}), in decreasing individual feerate order:
      • If pot_{new} = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(u) > \operatorname{feerate}(pot_{new}):
        • Set pot_{new} = pot_{new} \cup \{u\}.
      • Otherwise, stop iterating.
    • For every transaction p \in (pot_{new} \setminus inc_{new}):
      • If \operatorname{anc}(p) \subset pot_{new}:
        • Set inc_{new} = inc_{new} \cup \operatorname{anc}(p).
    • If inc_{new} \neq \varnothing and (best = \varnothing or \operatorname{feerate}(inc_{new}) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)):
      • Set best = inc_{new}.
      • Set imp = \{x \in imp : \operatorname{feerate}(x) > \operatorname{feerate}(best)\}.
    • If pot_{new} \neq inc_{new}:
      • Add (inc_{new}, exc_{new}, pot_{new}) to W.
  • Find a, the transaction whose ancestor set feerate is highest.
  • Invoke \operatorname{add}(\operatorname{anc}(a), \varnothing, \operatorname{anc}(a)).
  • Invoke \operatorname{add}(\varnothing, \operatorname{desc}(a), \varnothing).
  • While W is non-empty and computation limit is not reached:
    • Take some work item (inc, exc, pot) out of W.
    • If \operatorname{feerate}(pot) > \operatorname{feerate}(best):
      • Find a transaction t not in inc or exc to split on; this must exist.
      • Invoke \operatorname{add}(inc \cup \operatorname{anc}(t), exc, pot \cup \operatorname{anc}(t)).
      • Invoke \operatorname{add}(inc, exc \cup \operatorname{desc}(t), pot \setminus \operatorname{desc}(t)).
  • Return best.

3. Current implementation

My current implementation incorporates most of the ideas listed above, with a few deviations:

  • The connected-component splitting isn’t implemented for linearization in general, but done inside the find-high-feerate-subset algorithm. It’s combined with the ancestor pre-seeding there (W is initialized with 2 elements per connected component: each excludes every other component, but one includes the component’s best ancestor set, and one excludes the best ancestor set’s transaction’s descendants). This is somewhat suboptimal, as the find-high-feerate-subset algorithm only finds one subset, so in case there are multiple components, work for the later ones is duplicated. However, it was a lot simpler to implement than having the linearize code perform merging of multiple sublinearizations, and still beneficial.
  • Newly added work items are added to one of k=4 LIFO stacks, in a round-robin fashion. A uniformly random stack is chosen to pop work items to process from.
  • The transaction to split on is, among the set of ancestors and descendants of the highest-individual-feerate undecided transaction, the one that minimizes the search space the most.

Given the complexity of the linearization algorithm, has an alternative approach ever been considered, such as transforming the transaction graph into a graph of valid chunks first?

@hebasto The problem of finding the (optimal) chunks is reducible to the problem of finding the optimal linearization actually, and the other way around. So if you can do one, you can do the other. The meat of the algorithm described here is effectively iterating all topologically-valid subsets, and then moving the highest-feerate one to the front, where it becomes a chunk.

So either I’m misunderstanding your suggestion, or it’s effectively what we’re doing already. Happy to hear if you have more ideas to try, though. We don’t have a proof that finding the optimal linearization (or finding the highest-feerate topologically-valid subset) is NP-hard, so it’s possible a polynomial algorithm exist.

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Hi! First of all I give you my compliments for your work. It is very complete and comprehensive. I am struggling to understand the following statement:

I have the feeling that I am missing something. Consider this example: there are three transactions a,b and c, with equal size and fees respectively 2, 1000 and 1. Suppose that a has b as only parent, and b has c as only parent, so in the graph a \to b \to c. Suppose also that inc = \{a\} and pot = \{a,b,c\}. Then adding a to \{b,c\} actually decrease feerate.

BTW the same example seems to go against the following Proposition with best = \{b,c\} and pot as a topologically valid subset of itself.

Can examples like the above appear?

Anyway, this is needed only for the jump ahead optimization, but seems that the heart of the algo is still pretty much effective!

This is not possible. pot is a pure function of inc and exc: the set of undecided transactions, picked from high feerate to low feerate ignoring topology, until the feerate stops increasing.

Presumably in your case inc=\{a\}, exc=\{\}, so und = \{b,c\}. pot is computed as follows:

  • Start with pot = inc = \{a\}.
  • See if adding b (the highest feerate transaction in und \setminus pot) improves it. And indeed, \{a,b\} is better than \{a\}, so b \in pot.
  • See if adding c improves it. It does not: \{a,b,c\} is worse than \{a,b\}, so c \not\in pot.

Thus, pot in this case is \{a,b\}.

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Sorry, you are right. Anyway, is the following trivial? Is there a proof for it?

the transactions in pot that do not belong to inc must have a feerate at least as high as can be achieved by any set that includes inc and excludes exc

Let B be the highest-feerate subset including inc, and excluding exc, ignoring topology. We’re trying to prove that pot = B.

B must have the property that for any t \in und it is the case that t \in B if and only if \operatorname{feerate}(t) > \operatorname{feerate}(B), for the simple reason that if it didn’t, and there was a t \not\in B with higher feerate than B, you could add it to B, and improve it further. Similarly, if there was a t \in B with lower feerate than B, it could be removed from it to improve it.

Furthermore, this property defines B, in the sense that there is only one subset (including inc and excluding exc) that satisfies that property. Imagine we had distinct B_1 and B_2 that both satisfy the property. Without loss of generality, assume that B_2 is the bigger one, so B_1 \subset B_2. The set of transactions t \in B_2 \setminus B_1 have \operatorname{feerate}(t) \leq B_1, otherwise they would be included in B_1. Thus, \operatorname{feerate}(B_2) \leq \operatorname{feerate}(B_1), because B_2 does include these transactions. But these transactions also have a \operatorname{feerate}(t) > \operatorname{feerate}(B_2) because of the property above, and thus also \operatorname{feerate}(t) > \operatorname{feerate}(B_1), so they should have been included in B_1, a contradiction.

Thus, if we can show that pot satisfies the property, it must be the case that pot = B.

We know that B must consist of inc plus some prefix of und (when considered in decreasing-feerate order), which matches how pot is constructed. And it must be the same, because if the last transaction had feerate \leq than pot's, it wouldn’t have been included. If the next not included transaction had feerate > than pot's, it would have been included.

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Thank you, now I understand. All of this started in my head while trying to understand the proof of the following.

I tried to expand the proof of it, using the additional material you provided. From the comment above we can deduce the following


  1. pot is the (i.e. unique) highest amongst all the sets including inc and excluding exc.
  2. t\in pot if and only if feerate(t)> feerate(pot).

Proposition. Let B an element that maximize the feerate in the following collection.\{U \text{ topological} \mid inc \subseteq U \subseteq exc^c \}. If C \subseteq pot is topological, then C\subseteq B.

Proof. By contraddiction, suppose that there is B like in the hypothesis and C topological, C\subseteq pot and C \not \subseteq B. Since C is topological, possibly replacing t with some of its ancestors, it is no loss to assume anc(t) \subseteq B. Since t\in pot, by 2. of Lemma above, feerate(t) > feerate(pot). By characterization of pot in 1. of Lemma above, we have that feerate(pot) \ge feerate(B). So, feerate(t)> feerate(B). Consider B' = \{t\} \cup B. Clearly, feerate(B')> feerate(B); moreover, since anc(t) \subseteq (B), B' is topological. This is against the definition of B.

Let me know what do you think.

Hi sipa, thanks for your great work on this.

I’ve been thinking about this problem for some months now, alternating between looking for an algorithm and a reduction from some NP hard problem. It really is not obvious. However, DeepSeek R1 finally helped me find the surprising answer:

Finding a highest-feerate topologically-valid subset is possible in O(nm \log (n^2/m)) time, and this has been shown in 1989 by Gallo, Grigoriadis and Tarjan (“A FAST PARAMETRIC MAXIMUM FLOW ALGORITHM AND APPLICATIONS”, SIAM J. COMPUT. Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 30-55, February 1989, you can find it on sci-hub). Actually, there have been even earlier algorithms for this, quoted in this article, though they are a little slower. For your reference, the problem is called maximum-ratio closure problem (p. 48), the only difference being the direction of the arrows in the graph.

It requires a rather involved algorithm, where the graph is modified into a flow network whose capacities depend on a parameter \lambda (standing for the target feerate) and a min-cut is calculated for several \lambda until the optimum is found. Gallo, Grigoriadis and Tarjan solve this in the same asymptotic time that a single min-cut would take by modifying the Goldberg-Tarjan push-relabel algorithm to keep on working on the next \lambda after finding the min-cut for the one before, and proving that under some conditions that hold here, there are only O(n) breakpoints at which we need to calculate the min-cut.

This seems great news to me. It should mean that we can accomodate much larger clusters. The question is, how do we implement this? I haven’t found an open source implementation of exactly this algorithm, but the repo at has several algorithms in C++ that solve very similar problems, are supposed to be even faster in practice, and might be modified for our purposes (MIT license). The alternative would be to write the push-relabel parameterized min-cut algorithm from scratch, but as I said, this is not trivial.


Hi @stefanwouldgo, crazy! I see a vague relation with min-cut / max-flow problems, but would never had thought to look in this direction.

I haven’t been able to find the publication yet, based on what I find for related algorithm, but I assume n is the number of nodes (transactions), and m is the number of arcs (dependencies)? If so, that sounds great if it is practical as well. Note that the number of dependencies itself may be up to quadratic in the number of transactions, so this is essentially cubic in n?

In the abstract of this paper, an additional condition is present (emphasis mine):

We present a simple sequential algorithm for the maximum flow problem on a network with n nodes, m arcs, and integer arc capacities bounded by U. Under the practical assumption that U is polynomially bounded in n, our algorithm runs in time O(nm + n^2 \log n).

It’s not clear if that condition is also present in the algorithm you’re citing, but if it is, that may be a problem.

Difference between what?

This seems great news to me. It should mean that we can accomodate much larger clusters.

Maybe. The cluster size bound is really informed by how big of a cluster we can linearize with “acceptable” quality (scare-quotes, because it isn’t all that clear what acceptable should mean), not what we can linearize optimally, in an extremely small amount of time (we’ve imposed a 50 µs ourselves, because a single transaction may simultaneously affect many clusters, which would all require re-linearization).

So far, we’ve interpreted acceptable as “at least as good as what we had before” (through LIMO), and “at least as good as ancestor sort” (the current CPFP-accomodating mining algorithm, which is inherently O(n^2). But (so far) all the ideas in this thread are “extra”, in the sense that they’d only be applied when we have time left, or in a background re-linearization process, that does not act until after transaction relay.

Now, it is quite possible that this algoritm is so fast that it can linearize larger clusters optimally in the time that ancestor sort + LIMO may need for smaller ones. That would obviously move the needle. Or if it’s possible that a reasonable argument can be made that a time-bounded version of this algorithm (only performing a lower-than-optimal number of cuts, for example, and then stopping) results in something that is practically as good as ancestor-sort (e.g., sufficient to make CPFP in typical, but potentially adverserial, scenarios work).

That’s a concern, because we don’t just care about asymptotic complexity, but real performance for relatively small problems too. And complicated algorithms, with complicated data structures, tend to result in things with high start-up costs (to convert the problem into the right representation), or with high constant factors (e.g., for some small problems, (sorted) lists can be several times faster than hash maps).

This is probably the point where I should reveal that we’ve been working on a new cluster linearization algorithm too (which I will write a bigger post about in time). It’s a result of a conversation we had at the Bitcoin Research Week, where Dongning Guo and Aviv Zohar pointed out that the “find highest-feerate topologically-valid subset” problem can be formulated as a Linear Programming problem, on which all LP solving methods are applicable. This implies two things:

  • Through Interior-Point Methods, the problem can be solved in O((n+m)^{2.5} \log S) time, where S is the sum of transaction sizes, or essentially O(n^5) in just n.
  • The simplex algorithm, while worst-case exponential in the general case but practically very fast, becomes applicable. And it is possible that for our specific problem, these exponential cases don’t exist as well.

Inspired by this last point, by observing what the simplex algorithm “steps” translate to in our problem space, in terms of sets and fees and feerates rather than matrix row-operations, removing some apparently useless transitions, and observing that it effectively finds a full linearization rather than just a single topologically-valid highest-feerate subset, we obtain the following:

  • Input: n transactions with fees and sizes, and m dependencies between them (as (parent, child) pairs).
  • Output: a list of sets (the chunks), forming a graph partition, with all the consecutive highest-feerate topologically-valid subsets of what remains after the previous ones.
  • Algorithm:
    • For every dependency, have a boolean “active”; initially all dependencies are inactive.
      • These partition the graph into components (when two transactions are reachable from one another by travelling only over active dependencies, up or down, they are in the same component).
      • Thus, the initial state has every transaction in its own singleton component.
      • As an additional invariant, no (undirected) cycles of active dependencies are allowed, so the component’s active dependencies form a spanning tree for that component. The entire state can thus be described as an (undirected) spanning forest, which is a subgraph of the problem graph.
    • Keep performing any of the following steps as long as any apply:
      • If a dependency is inactive, and is between two distinct components, and the “child” component has higher feerate than the “parent” component, make it active.
      • If a dependency is active, and making it inactive would split the component it is in in two components (due to no-cycles property, this is true for every active dependency), where the parent component has higher feerate than the child component, make it inactive.
    • Finally, output all the component in decreasing feerate order.

This appears to be very fast in practice, and easy to implement. Further, it can be proven that if it terminates, the result is indeed an optimal linearization. However, we don’t have a proof it always terminates, and certainly no bound on its runtime. A lot seems to depend on the policy on how to pick which dependency to make active or inactive in every step, but this needs a lot more investigation.

The publication can be found at Yes, n is the number of nodes and m the number of edges, so that is cubic in the worst case.

No, one of the contributions of the GGT paper linked above is that they show how to bound the runtime independently of U.

The difference between what we call highest-feerate topologically-valid subset and they call maximum-ratio closure problem is that in their model, they want a closure regarding descendants, while we want a closure regarding ancestors, which can be achieved by simply turning every edge (u,v) into (v,u), i.e. changing the direction of the arrows.


Thank you!

Ok, here is my understanding so far. This paper, and two other papers it cites, introduce the concept of the “maximum-ratio closure problem”, which is what we’ve been calling “maximum-feerate topologically-valid subset finding”.

1. Maximum-weight closure

To explain it, we first need a simpler problem, the “maximum-weight closure problem”, which, if applied to our setting, is effectively this:

  • Input: a transaction graph with dependencies, fees, sizes, where fees can be positive or negative.
  • Output: the maximum-fee topologically-valid subset (not feerate), which may be empty. This is trivial if all fees are positive (the entire graph is always maximal then), but nontrivial when negative fees are present.
  • Algorithm:
    • Assign capacity \infty to each dependency between transactions.
    • Add two special nodes to the graph (in addition to the transactions), s (source) and t (sink).
    • Add an edge from s to each transaction, with capacity equal to the transaction’s fee.
    • Add an adge from each transaction, with capacity 0.
    • Run a minimum cut algorithm between s and t. The side of the cut that includes s consists of the highest-fee topologically-valid subset.

2. Closure with ratio above a given \lambda

Given this, one can define a slightly more complex problem:

  • Input: a transaction graph with dependencies, fees, sizes, and a feerate \lambda.
  • Output: a non-empty topologically-valid subset with feerate \geq \lambda if one exists, or \varnothing otherwise.
  • Algorithm:
    • Subtract \lambda from the feerates of all transactions, leaving their sizes unchanged (i.e., transform (\operatorname{fee},\operatorname{size}) \rightarrow (\operatorname{fee} - \lambda \operatorname{size}, \operatorname{size})).
    • Run the maximum-weight closure algorithm above, and return its result. The empty set has fee 0, so if any topologically-valid subset with higher fee exists, one will be returned, and since \lambda was subtracted from all feerates, the result necessarily has higher feerate than \lambda in this case.

3. Maximum-ratio closure

Finally, we can define the maximum-ratio closure problem, which is asking what the highest \lambda is for which the previous problem has a non-empty set as answer (and what that set is). Three different papers use three different approaches:

  • Bisection search:
    • Paper: E. L. Lawler, “Sequencing jobs to minimize total weighted completion time subject to precedence constraints”, 1978
    • Approach: use a lower and upper bound on the maximum \lambda, and use bisection search to find the highest for which a set exists.
    • Complexity: \mathcal{O}(knm \log(n^2/m)), where k is the number of bits in the sizes/fees involved.
  • FP algorithm:
    • Paper: J.C. Picard and M. Queyranne, “Selected applications of minimum cuts in networks”, 1982.
    • Approach: maintain a single best solution, with associated feerate \lambda. Run the previous algorithm with that \lambda as input, and if it returns a non-empty solution, update lambda to be that set’s feerate, and start over.
    • Complexity: \mathcal{O}(n^2 m \log(n^2/m)), due to the fact that apparently no more than \mathcal{O}(n) iterations are necessary.
  • Parametric min-cut:
    • Paper: Giorgio Gallo, Michael D. Grigoriadis, and Robert E. Tarjan, “A Fast Parametric Maximum Flow Algorithm And Applications”, 1989.
    • Approach: make the graph itself parametrized by \lambda, and then solve the whole thing generically to find the maximum \lambda, rather than needing multiple improvement steps. I don’t quite get this yet.
    • Complexity: \mathcal{O}(nm \log(n^2/m)).

Depending on whether the number of dependencies is linear or quadratic in the number of transactions, this last approach is \mathcal{O}(n^2 \log{n}) or \mathcal{O}(n^3) in the number of transactions. That is however just for a single topologically-valid subset, and for a full linearization we need to potentially run it n times, meaning an overall \mathcal{O}(n^3 \log{n}) or \mathcal{O}(n^4). If it were somehow possible to reuse information from one subset-finding to the next this may be avoided, but that’s not yet clear to me. Also, state of the art on minimum-cut algorithms has improved since 1989, so it’s possible that even better is possible now.

I do wonder: what was your query, and what was the response that you learned this from?

This is a great summary! I have only read the GGT paper, not the citations in there, so I cannot comment on how accurately you depicted these, but I like the way you framed it as three problems.

GGT really don’t do much else than Picard and Queranne (in your interpretation), but they use a specific min-cut algorithm that can be modified so it can keep its working state after finding the best solution for one \lambda. The rest is simply a better analysis AFAIU.

I wonder if one could reuse this state even further after removing the highest feerate closure in order to find the next. I suspect this isn’t so easy because then the graph has really changed, but it might merit further investigation.

Yes, they have. Min-cut is theoretically possible in the optimum conceivable O(m), but I believe this is not really a practical result so far. There are numerous approaches, but it isn’t clear which of these are amenable to modification for solving the parametric problem in one go.

The github repo I posted before and the paper it belongs to test several algorithms on real-world instances. It appears that our problem, or rather, its generalized solution which is called source-sink-monotone parametric min-cut has applications in something called polygon aggregation for map simplification and other topics in computer vision. There also seem to be more papers to be explored that report such experiments.

Here’s my prompt:

Here’s a mathematical problem: let G be a directed graph. We call a subset of its nodes topological if it includes all its ancestors. Now let’s assume every node of the graph has two integer properties called size and fee, and a derived property called feerate=fee/size. The feerate of a set of nodes is the sum of their fees divided by the sum of their sizes. Can you give an algorithm that finds the highest feerate topological subset of a given directed graph?

DeepSeek-R1 thought about this for about two minutes (and it always puts out its thought process, which is very interesting, but for some reason I cannot copy from the iOS App I did this in) and then it answered

To solve the problem of finding the highest feerate topological subset in a directed graph, we can use a binary search approach combined with a max-flow/min-cut algorithm. Here’s the step-by-step algorithm:


  1. Binary Search Setup:

    • Initialize low to 0 and high to the maximum feerate of any individual node (or a sufficiently large upper bound).
  2. Binary Search Loop:

    • While high - low exceeds a small precision threshold (e.g., 1e-9):
      • Compute mid = (low + high) / 2.
      • For each node v, calculate its adjusted weight: w(v) = fee(v) - mid * size(v).
  3. Flow Network Construction:

    • Create a flow network with a source s and sink t.
    • For each node v:
      • If w(v) > 0, add an edge from s to v with capacity w(v).
      • If w(v) < 0, add an edge from v to t with capacity -w(v).
    • For each original directed edge u → v, add an edge from u to v with infinite capacity (practically a large value).
  4. Max-Flow/Min-Cut Computation:

    • Compute the min cut of the constructed flow network. The nodes on the source side of the min cut form a candidate subset S.
  5. Decision:

    • Calculate the total adjusted weight of S: W = sum(w(v) for v in S).
    • If W > 0, set low = mid (feasible to aim higher). Otherwise, set high = mid.
  6. Extract Optimal Subset:

    • After convergence, recompute the flow network for λ = low and determine the subset S from the min cut.
  7. Result:

    • The subset S obtained from the final min cut is the highest feerate topological subset, with the maximum feerate λ ≈ low.


  • Binary Search: Efficiently narrows down the possible feerate values, leveraging the monotonicity of the feerate function.
  • Flow Network Transformation: Converts the problem of finding a maximum weight closed set into a max-flow problem, ensuring the subset includes all ancestors.
  • Min-Cut Interpretation: The min cut in the flow network corresponds to the optimal subset, balancing the inclusion of high-feerate nodes and exclusion of low-feerate ones.

This approach ensures we efficiently find the subset with the highest feerate while respecting the topological constraints, using polynomial-time algorithms for max-flow.

I first didn’t believe it so I asked it for a proof that the problem is hard and it correctly answered me that it isn’t. Then I asked for a correctness proof, which didn’t really convince me, but from my understanding of the ideas in the algorithm and the thought process I started to believe that this could actually work.

So I asked to find a precise runtime bound, and the answer was a little meh (and included log U). I then suspected that it might be possible to lose that U and asked it

Can we refine this analysis (make it independent of U) by only taking into account lambda steps that change the sign of a node’s weight?

The answer was really handwavy, but pointed in the right direction. But when I asked it

Where has this technique of ratio maximization using a Lagrange multiplier been first introduced?

the answer was

The technique of maximizing a ratio (e.g., fee/size) by introducing a parameter ( \lambda ) and converting it into a feasibility problem (e.g., checking if ( \text{fee}(S) - \lambda \cdot \text{size}(S) \geq 0 )) is rooted in Dinkelbach’s algorithm for fractional programming. This approach is analogous to using a Lagrange multiplier to handle the ratio objective, though it differs in its exact mechanics. Here’s a breakdown of its origins and key milestones:

1. Foundational Work: Fractional Programming

  • Wolfgang Dinkelbach (1967) introduced the parametric method for solving nonlinear fractional programs in his seminal work:
    • Title: “On Nonlinear Fractional Programming” (Management Science, 1967).
    • Key Idea: Transform the problem of maximizing ( \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} ) into solving ( f(x) - \lambda g(x) = 0 ) via iterative updates of ( \lambda ).
    • This is the earliest formalization of the technique used in the algorithm.

2. Application to Combinatorial Optimization

The adaptation of this parametric approach to combinatorial problems (e.g., graph subsets with constraints) emerged later, notably in:

  • Jean-Claude Picard (1976):

    • Showed that finding a maximum closure (a subset closed under predecessor inclusion) in a directed graph reduces to a min-cut problem.
    • Title: “Maximal Closure of a Graph and Applications to Combinatorial Problems” (Management Science, 1976).
    • This work enabled the use of flow networks to enforce topological closure constraints.
  • Gallo, Grigoriadis, and Tarjan (1989):

    • Developed parametric max-flow algorithms to efficiently solve sequences of flow problems with parameter-dependent capacities.
    • Title: “A Fast Parametric Maximum Flow Algorithm and Applications” (SIAM Journal on Computing, 1989).
    • This allowed binary search over ( \lambda ) with guaranteed polynomial runtime.

3. Modern Adaptations for Ratio Maximization

The specific use of this technique for feerate-like ratio maximization (e.g., density maximization ( \frac{\text{sum of weights}}{\text{size}} )) was popularized in:

  • Charikar (2000):

    • Formalized the ( O(\log n) )-approximation algorithm for the maximum coverage problem using LP rounding.
    • Title: “Greedy Approximation Algorithms for Finding Dense Components in a Graph” (APPROX 2000).
    • While not identical, this work highlighted the broader applicability of parametric methods.
  • Goldberg (1984):

    • Studied the maximum density subgraph problem and showed it reduces to parametric max-flow.
    • Title: “Finding a Maximum Density Subgraph” (UC Berkeley Technical Report, 1984).
    • This directly connects ratio maximization to flow-based techniques.

Why It’s Linked to Lagrange Multipliers

The parameter ( \lambda ) acts similarly to a Lagrange multiplier in constrained optimization:

  • It balances the trade-off between the numerator (fee) and denominator (size) in the ratio.
  • However, unlike classical Lagrange multipliers (which handle equality/inequality constraints), this method uses ( \lambda ) to transform the ratio objective into a sequence of feasibility checks.

Key Takeaway

The technique was first introduced by Dinkelbach (1967) for general fractional programming. Its adaptation to graph problems (e.g., maximum density subgraph, topological subsets) emerged in the 1980s–2000s through the integration of parametric max-flow algorithms. The modern flow-based implementation for ratio maximization in directed graphs is largely attributed to Gallo-Grigoriadis-Tarjan (1989) and later refinements by Goldberg and others.

And this finally convinced me to read GGT, where I found that they actually completely solve this problem as an application of their general technique. Which is something that the AI hasn’t really told me, it stuck to a bisection approach. But it has helped me find the key paper which would have been very hard otherwise.


Actually, I don’t think the graph really changes.

You can think of removing the previously-found subset as setting the fee and size of all its transactions to 0, which satisfies the monotonicity of capacities requirement. As in, while a transaction is not removed its capacity is f-\lambda s, and afterwards it is just 0?

That’s an interesting idea but I don’t believe it’s quite that easy. The weight fee-\lambda size is positive for some nodes and negative for others, so setting it to 0 doesn’t seem to preserve monotonicity in general.

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How about just leaving the capacity at f - \lambda_1 s once chunk 1 has been found, etc. (meaning its combined capacity remains at 0 for the whole chunk).

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However, it might actually be easily fixable: if we just set the negative weights to 0, there’s no reason to include the positive ones in a min-cut, because no remaining negative ones depend on them.

Yeah, it looks like there might be a way to fix this. I don’t have time to check the details right now, but will look into it next week.